SPCH 277N Week 8 Assignment Evaluation and Reflection

  • SPCH 277N Week 8 Assignment Evaluation and Reflection
  • $15.00

Institution SPCH 277N Interpersonal Communication
Contributor Whitaker

Online Management:


Social media has become a very integrated part of our daily lives. It is used for multiple purposes such as checking our email, sending text messages, reading the news, or just seeing what’s new in everybody else’s lives. Unfortunately, the willingness to share so easily on social media has increased, with the need to express thoughts, feelings, likes, and dislikes to our family, and friends as well as to strangers. Many cases have been heard of people not using prudence in sharing media that may seem harmless at first, but come back and affect them later.

How do you manage your privacy and self-disclosures online?


To manage my privacy and self-disclosures online, I make sure that I keep all of my personal information and pictures secured. Whether this involves making my social media accounts private or not, limiting the information I provide is my top priority in managing my privacy and self-disclosure online. I am cautious about who I let see my profiles and personal information because I do not want somebody to look at my information if I do not know them.......... Document Continue



Instituition / Term
Term Year 2022
Institution SPCH 277N Interpersonal Communication
Contributor Whitaker

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