SPCH 277N Week 1 CCC Template Part 1 - Selecting a Communication Goal

  • SPCH 277N Week 1 CCC Template Part 1 - Selecting a Communication Goal
  • $15.00

Institution SPCH 277N Interpersonal Communication
Contributor Whitaker


Week 1 CCC Course Project Goal: Part I-Selecting a Communication Goal


1A. Student listed 4 - 8 “I can’t” challenges related to interpersonal communication behaviors requiring attention; then, describe each “I can’t” behavior, provide examples as appropriate (1-2 paragraphs for each behavior).


1B. Student substituted the remaining “I can’t behaviors with “I won’t” category. Then explain why they feel it is more accurate than the “I can’t” statement.


1C. Student substitute the remaining “I can’t” behaviors with statements that fit the “I don’t know how to” category, along with an explanation of why they think they don’t know how to…. Or, explain why they don’t know how to break from a poor habit and improve on the communication behavior that needs to change.


1D. Student wrote a narrative describing how they eliminated those that remained in the “I don’t know how to” category to decide on the one issue for your project.


1E. Student wrote a clear statement of the communication behavior they will address with this project and provided the name of the person or people who they will be communicating with for this project.


Student’s Course Project responses are clear and understandable, using proper grammar, spelling and mechanics.



Instituition / Term
Term Year 2022
Institution SPCH 277N Interpersonal Communication
Contributor Whitaker

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