RELI 448N Week 6 Discussion 1; Jesus and the Kingdom of God

  • RELI 448N Week 6 Discussion 1; Jesus and the Kingdom of God
  • $7.00

Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Pressley

RELI 448N Week 6 Discussion: Jesus and the Kingdom of God


Describe some of the values Jesus had in mind when he used the phrase "Kingdom of God." One scholar has called Jesus's message "ethical apocalypticism." What do you think this means in light of our discussion of apocalypticism in the text? (You might want to relate this to the Beatitudes in Matthew 5:1-12.)


On page 352 Molloy defines apocalypticism as a “vision of impending judgment.” Jesus is sometimes described as an "end-times man." He was always looking toward the Day of Judgment and he talked a lot about how we will be judged. When it comes to judgment, what connection is there between our faith (what we believe) and our ethics (how we act) in Christianity? According to Jesus, will judgment be based upon what we believe or what we do?  Or maybe a little of both?  Please explain.


Christianity teaches that Jesus was fully human.  It also teaches that he never sinned.  How are these two doctrines held together?  Can anyone explain how Christianity can hold both of these teachings at the same time?


Thank you for the good discussion on this thread.  Even though most of us have grown up in the United States in a culture that has been greatly influenced by Christianity hopefully we have learned something new in our readings and discussions this week.  As we wrap up our discussion, please share with us something you have learned about Christianity this week.



Instituition / Term
Term Fall 2018
Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Pressley

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