RELI 448N Week 4 Midterm Exam: April 2018)

  • RELI 448N Week 4 Midterm Exam: April 2018)
  • $30.00

Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Pressley

  1. Question:   A worldview that sees all elements of nature as being filled with spirit or spirits is called:
  2. Question: If the divine is seen as being beyond space and time, it is:
  3. Question: An analytical approach that looks for universal structures that underline language, mental processes, mythologies, kinship, and religions is called:
  4. Question: All of the followings are used as symbolic forms of the female divine except:
  5. Question: The female divine is an important element in the religions of India. Which of the following is not a form of the goddess in Hinduism?
  6. Question: Which of the following is not seen as being an avatar of Vishnu?
  7. Question: the “divine song” that recounts the conversation between the god Krishna and the prince, Arjuna , is called:
  8.  Question: the ideas of Mohan das Gandhi had a great influence on which 20th century activist?
  9. Question: A spiritual teacher to whom devotion may be directed is called a:
  10. Question: The spiritual discipline of devotion to a deity or a teacher is called:
  11. Question: In Hinduism, that which keep us from seeing reality correctly is:
  12. Question: the Buddha who is expected to appear on earth in the future is:
  13. Question: This term means non-violence
  14. Question: The Mahayana notion of emptiness is called:
  15. Question: A person who has practiced monastic disciplines, achieving the ideal of entering nirvana, is called:
  16. Question: Which of the following is not one of the three jewels of Buddhism:
  17. Question: The classic scripture of Daoism is the:
  18. Question: The receptive aspect of reality that expresses itself in silence, darkness, and coolness is called:
  19. Question: Doing only what comes spontaneously and naturally is called:
  20. Question: Confucius believed that the virtues:
  21. Question: Compare and contrast Sigmund Freud’s theory about the origin of religions with William James’s theory. How does each of these psychologists view religion (positively or negatively)? Now analyze how the insights of Freud or James might illuminate one of the religious traditions we have studied so far. How would Freud or James understand that traditions? Use specific examples to spot your answers (e.g., a specific believe of rituals).


Instituition / Term
Term Fall 2018
Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Pressley

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