PSYC 290N Week 7 Assignment; Sexually Transmitted Infections in the Elderly

  • PSYC 290N Week 7 Assignment; Sexually Transmitted Infections in the Elderly
  • $15.00

Institution PSYC 290N Lifespan Development
Contributor Elizabeth

Week 7: Sexually Transmitted Infections in the Elderly


Although many people may not want to think about it, older adults continue to be sexually active later in life. They are also more at risk for sexually transmitted infections also known as STI’s. There are a few reasons why older adults are at risk for STI’s. One of the reasons for the increased risk is due to normal sexual changes associated with aging according to (Santrock, 2018). Some of the changes in women may include a decreased vaginal lubrication, and sexual hormones. Changes in men may include erectile disfunction, and low testosterone.

Both elderly men and women may also go through some psychosocial changes such as loss of a partner through divorce or death. They may also be re-entering the dating scene for the first time in years or decades.

Once some of these elderly adults re-enter the dating scene, they sometimes perform risky sexual behaviors such as inconsistent or no use of condoms. One of the reasons why the increased number in elderly people and the number of STI’s are in correlation with each other is because of the increase of number of retirees. These increased numbers in retirees and STI’s are even higher in states that have greater numbers of retiree communities. According to (Johnson, 2013), two counties surrounding Phoenix, in which there are numerous retirement communities, reported cases of syphilis and chlamydia among individuals 55 and older increased by 87% from the years 2005-2009. One reason for the increase in this population were loss of spouse, living among peers who had also experienced such a loss, and use of hormone replacements by both men and women.......... Document Continue


Instituition / Term
Term Year 2022
Institution PSYC 290N Lifespan Development
Contributor Elizabeth

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