Primary Care; A Collaborative Practice; 4th Edition by Buttaro - TestBank

  • Primary Care; A Collaborative Practice; 4th Edition by Buttaro - TestBank
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Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Isabella


Primary Care; A Collaborative Practice; 4th Edition by Buttaro

Chapter 10: Pregnancy and Prenatal Care


Terms: Definitions & Answers

  1. Race & ethnicity
  2. Previous pregnancies
  3. Menstrual cycle
  4. Medical history
  5. Lab tests
  6. Urinalysis
  7. Vaginal cultures
  8. Rubella titer
  9. Blood sugar
  10. Alfa-feto protein
  11. Return visit schedule
  12. Disproportion
  13. Vaginal bleeding, low abdominal pain
  14. 3 stages of fetal growth
  15. Increasing in number
  16. Weight gain
  17. Normal weight gain
  18. Sudden increase in weight
  19. Weight loss
  20. Caloric intake
  21. Protein
  22. Folic acid
  23. Avoid


Multiple Choice

  1. Question: A woman who is 7 weeks pregnant tells the nurse that this is not her first pregnancy. She has a 2-year-old son and had one previous spontaneous abortion. Using the TPAL system, the patient's obstetric history would be recorded as:
  2. Question: A woman asks the nurse about the frequency of prenatal visits. In an uncomplicated pregnancy, the nurse would tell her that appointments are scheduled:
  3. Question: During the physical examination for the first prenatal visit, it is noted that Chadwick's sign is present. This refers to the:
  4. Question: After the examination is completed, the patient asks the nurse why Chadwick's sign occurs during pregnancy. The nurse would explain that it is caused by the:
  5. Question: The nurse has explained physiological changes that occur during pregnancy. Which statement indicates that the woman understands the information?
  6. Question: A woman reports that her last normal menstrual period began on August 5, 2010. Using Nägele's rule, her expected date of delivery would be _____, 2011.
  7. Question: During the second prenatal visit, the nurse attempts to locate the fetal heartbeat with an electronic Doppler device. When this instrument is used, fetal heart tones can be detected as early as _____ weeks.
  8. Question: In a routine prenatal visit, the nurse examining a patient who is 37 weeks pregnant notices that the fetal heart rate (FHR) has dropped to 120 beats/min from a rate of 160 beats/min earlier in the pregnancy. The nurse should:
  9. Question: A woman's prepregnant weight is average for her height. The nurse would advise the woman that her recommended weight gain during pregnancy would be _____ pounds.
  10. Question: When the nurse tells a pregnant woman that she needs 1,200 mg of calcium daily during pregnancy, the woman responds, "I don't like milk." What dietary adjustments could the nurse recommend?
  11. Question: A pregnant woman is experiencing nausea in the early morning. What recommendations would the nurse offer to alleviate this symptom?
  12. Question: The patient who is 28 weeks pregnant shows a 10-pound weight gain from 2 weeks ago. The nurse should initially:
  13. Question: The patient remarks that she has heard some foods will enhance brain development of the fetus. The nurse replies that foods high in docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are thought to enhance brain development. Such foods include:
  14. Question: The nurse encourages adequate intake of folic acid because it is thought to decrease the incidence of:
  15. Question: A woman tells the nurse that she is quite sure she is pregnant. The nurse recognizes which as a positive sign of pregnancy?
  16. Question: At her initial prenatal visit a woman asks, "When can I hear the baby's heartbeat?" The nurse would respond that the fetal heartbeat can be auscultated with a specially adapted stethoscope or fetoscope at _____ weeks.
  17. Question: A woman pregnant for the first time asks the nurse, "When will I begin to feel the baby move?" The nurse would answer:
  18. Question: The patient who is 40 weeks pregnant complains of a sense of weakness and dizziness when she lies on her back. The nurse assesses this as an indication of:
  19. Question: A pregnant woman inquires about exercising during pregnancy. In planning the teaching for this woman, the nurse should include what information?
  20. Question: An ultrasound confirms that a 16-year-old girl is pregnant. The nurse recognizes the need for prenatal care and counseling for adolescents because:
  21. Question: The nurse explains that the number of years between menarche and the date of conception is known as _____ age.
  22. Question: The woman who becomes pregnant for the first time after the age of ____ years is described as an "elderly primip."
  23. Question: The nurse explains that the softening of the cervix and vagina is a probable sign of pregnancy called _____ sign.


Multiple Response Type

  1. Question: A woman who is 36 weeks pregnant tells the nurse she plans to fly to Hawaii, which is a 12-hour flight. What would the nurse recommend that the patient do during the flight? Select all that apply.
  2. Question: The nurse cautions the patient that, because of hormonal changes in late pregnancy, the pelvic joints relax. What does this result in? Select all that apply.
  3. Question: The nurse assesses the progress from the announcement stage of fatherhood to the acceptance stage when the patient reports which action(s) by the father? Select all that apply.
  4. Question: What should the nurse do for the prenatal patient in terms of prenatal care? Select all that apply.
  5. Question: The nurse recognizes which behavior characteristic(s) of women in their first trimester of pregnancy? Select all that apply.
  6. Question: The nurse reminds the prenatal patient that she should add ________ kcal to her daily intake to nourish the fetus.


Multiple Choice with Rationale

  1. Question: The United States ranks 50th in the world for maternal mortality and 41st among industrialized nations for infant mortality rates. When developing programs to assist in decreasing theses rates, which factor would most likely need to be addressed as having the greatest impact?
  2. Question: When preparing a teaching plan for a group of first-time pregnant women, the nurse expects to review how maternity care has changed over the years. Which of the following would the nurse include when discussing events of the 20th century?
  3. Question: After teaching a group of nursing students about pregnancy-related mortality, the instructor determines that additional teaching is necessary when the students identify which condition as a leading cause?
  4. Question: The nurse is working with a group of community leaders to develop a plan to address the special health needs of women. Which of the following conditions would the group address as the major problem?
  5. Question: A nurse is assessing a family for barriers to health care. Which factor would the nurse identify to be most important?
  6. Question: A 10-year-old girl who is living with a foster family is brought to the clinic for evaluation. When caring for this child, which intervention is a priority?
  7. Question: After interviewing the mother of an 8-year-old girl with a broken arm, the nurse identifies the mother as the nurturer in the family. When developing the teaching plan for the girl and her mother, the nurse integrates knowledge of this role and focuses the teaching on which of the following?
  8. Question: The nurse is teaching discipline strategies to the parents of a 4-year-old boy. Which response by the parents indicates a need for more teaching?
  9. Question: A mother confides to the nurse that she is thinking of divorce. Which suggestion by the nurse would be most helpful in minimizing the effects of the divorce on the couple's son?
  10. Question: The nurse is teaching discipline strategies to the parents of a 12-year-old girl. Which of the following topics is an example of positive reinforcement discipline?
  11. Question: Parents are complaining about the amount of time their 14-year-old girl spends on the Internet. Which of the following would be most important to address with the parents?
  12. Question: A preschool child is scheduled to undergo a diagnostic test. Which action by the nurse would violate a child's bill of health care rights?
  13. Question: The school nurse is trying to get consent to care for an 11-year-old boy with diabetic ketoacidosis. His parents are out of town on vacation and the child is staying with a neighbor. Which action would be the priority?
  14. Question: A 9-month-old with glaucoma requires surgery. The infant's parents are divorced. To obtain informed consent, which action would be most appropriate?
  15. Question: A nurse is assigned to care for an Asian American client. The nurse develops a plan of care with the understanding that based on this client's cultural background, the client most likely views illness as which of the following?
  16. Question: When discussing fetal mortality with a group of students, a nurse addresses maternal factors. Which of the following would the nurse most likely include? Select all that apply.
  17. Question: A group of students is reviewing historical aspects about childbirth. The students demonstrate understanding of the information when they identify the use of twilight sleep as a key event during which time frame?
  18. Question: A nurse is preparing a presentation for a local women's group about heart disease and women. Which of the following would the nurse expect to address when discussing measures to promote health?
  19. Question: A nurse is working to develop a health education program for a local community to address breast cancer awareness. Which of the following would the nurse expect to include when describing this problem to the group? Select all that apply.
  20. Question: The nurse providing care to a family and an ill child in a hospital setting reflects on the focus of the health care provided in today's society. Which of the following statements best describes the current definition of health?
  21. Question: The student nurse is learning about the past history of child health and health care in the United States. Which of the following statements by the student indicates successful learning about the condition of health care in the past and current centuries?
  22. Question: The neonatal nurse researches the neonatal mortality rate in the United States. Which of the following accurately describes this measurement of child health? Select all that apply.
  23. Question: The nurse is caring for a 12-year-old child hospitalized for internal injuries following a motor vehicle accident. For which of the following medical treatments would the nurse need to obtain an informed consent beyond the one signed at admission?
  24. Question: After describing the procedure and medical necessity, the nurse asks a 14-year-old child to assent to a skin graft. Which of the following statements accurately describes the requirements for this type of assent?
  25. Question: The nurse is assessing a toddler for temperament and documents a "difficult" temperament. Which of the following is a trait of this type of personality?
  26. Question: The nurse is performing a health assessment of a school-age child. Based on the child's developmental level, on which of the following problems would the nurse focus more attention?
  27. Question: The nurse working in a free community clinic knows that access to health care is affected negatively by lack of health insurance. Which of the following accurately describe the effect of lack of insurance on family health? Select all that apply.
  28. Question: The nurse caring for families in crisis assesses the affective function of an immigrant family consisting of a father, mother, and two school-age children. Based on Friedman's structural functional theory, which of the following would the nurse identify as defining the family component?
  29. Question: The nurse is counseling a young couple who in 2 months are having their third baby. The nurse uses Von Bertalanffy's (1968) general system theory applied to families to analyze the family structure. Which of the following best describes the main emphasis of this theory and its application to family dynamics?
  30. Question: A mother of four children is being interviewed by the nurse. She states: "Whatever my husband and I say goes and the kids need to follow our rules without complaining about them." The nurse interprets this as which parenting style?


Instituition / Term
Term Spring 2019
Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Isabella

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