PHIL 347N Week 3 Assignment; Argumentative Analysis

  • PHIL 347N Week 3 Assignment; Argumentative Analysis
  • $15.00

Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Bianca

Required Resources

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • Textbook: Chapter 5, 6
  • Lesson


Click on the following links to view argument examples:

  • Link: Deductive Argument Example
  • Link: Inductive Argument Example

Notice that the example contains no citations to outside sources. You must imagine this as a real­world situation inwhich you are talking with friends, families or co­workers, where references and outside sources are not availableto you.


Read the following argument examples in this activity.


Argument 1

Dick and Jane have insured their house and cars with Farmer’s Mutual for 10 years. During this time, theyfiled only one claim for $500, and the premiums have risen 100%. Two weeks ago, while backing out ofthe garage, Jane damaged the right fender. They didn’t fix it, and yesterday, while Jane was parked at thesupermarket, someone hit the right side of the car, damaging everything but the right fender. When Janechecks the insurance policy, she discovers that while the supermarket accident is covered, the damagedright fender is not.Jane says, “Let’s claim that all the damage happened at the supermarket. It’s only fair. The insurancecompany has made thousands of dollars from our premiums alone, not to mention all the other peoplethey insure, so they’ll hardly miss the few thousands that their repairs will cost. Many of their friends havedone the same – included items that were not part of actual collision damage. It’s unlikely that they we willbe discovered, because the fender could easily have been damaged in the collision.”


Argument 2

In a world where medical resources are in ever­shorter supply, allocation of those resources is becomingan issue. Critical care units (ICU) put heavy demand on hospital resources. Adult medical intensive careunits (MICU's) are often occupied by elderly patients in the final stages of chronic illnesses………..continue



Instituition / Term
Term Fall 2019
Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Bianca

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