NR 602 Week 6 Women's Health Grand Rounds Presentation; Pelvic Pain Dysmenorrhea and Endometriosis

  • NR 602 Week 6 Women's Health Grand Rounds Presentation; Pelvic Pain Dysmenorrhea and Endometriosis
  • $20.00

Institution PowerPoint Presentation
Contributor Anonymous

Case 1

A 20 y.o. woman presents to her gynecologist with a 4 year history of increasing lower abdominal pain with her menses.  The pain begins on the first day of her menses and lasts 2-3 days.  She also complains of lower back pain and nausea.  Menarche occurred at the age of 13 and her menses occur every 28 days and last 5 days.  Physical and pelvic exam are normal.

  • How is dysmenorrhea diagnosed?  How is it distinguished from other types of pelvic pain?
  • What is the pathophysiology of dysmenorrhea?
  • What are reasonable approaches to treatment?

Case 1

At the age of 30, the patient presents with a 2 year history of infertility.  Her menses are still regular but she has 2-3 days of spotting before her menses are due.  She also complains of pain with intercourse and pelvic pain.  In reviewing the patient’s history, the gynecologist notes that over the past year the patient was repeatedly treated by her internist with antibiotics for recurrent microscopic hematuria.

  • What is the most likely diagnosis?
  • What are the main theories regarding the pathogenesis in this case?
  • How would you evaluate and treat this patient?

Case 2

A 35 y.o. woman presents to your office with persistent RLQ pain.  Her past medical history is unremarkable with the exception of a ruptured appendix 1 year ago requiring emergency surgery.  Her abdominal and pelvic exams are also unremarkable with the exception of a well-healed appendectomy scar.

  • What questions would be important to ask in evaluating the patient?
  • What is the most likely diagnosis?
  • How would you treat this patient?

Case 3

A 28 y.o. woman presents with a 6 hour history of severe RLQ pain, which began suddenly on arising from bed.  Since the pain began, she has been nauseated and vomited twice.  She reports two other episodes of similar pain in the past week, both of which resolved within 30 minutes.

  • What other history would you find helpful?
  • How would the physical exam findings assist you with your differential diagnosis?
  • What diagnostic tests would you order?
  • What is your differential diagnosis?


Instituition / Term
Term Summer Session
Institution PowerPoint Presentation
Contributor Anonymous

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