NR 360 Week 7 Edapt Answers

  • NR 360 Week 7 Edapt Answers
  • $29.00

Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Carmela Esqu

Informatics and Quality Improvement


Clinical Decision Support Tools


Clinical decision support (CDS) encompasses a variety of technological tools that directly support clinical decisions across settings. Which of the following are an examples of CDS? Select all that apply.


Automated Medication Dispensing System


The nurse retrieves medication through an automated medication dispensing system. How does an automated medication dispensing system increase the quality of care?

Culture of Safety

How does technology promote a culture of safety?

Types of Clinical Decision Support

The nurse scans bar codes of the client’s wristband and the medication. An alert comes up on the computer of a potential drug-allergy interaction. This is an example of which type of clinical decision support?

Smart Pumps

The nurse is using a smart pump in the emergency room. How does a smart pump increase the quality of care?

Alert Fatigue

One study in an intensive care unit found that they had 187 alarms per bed per day, of which 72%-99% were false alarms (Drew et al., 2014). How could this unit use technology to combat alert fatigue?

Sentinel Events

Which of these sentinel events, or “never events,” could technology prevent?

Electronic Incident Reporting

A local clinic had a low rate of reported safety issues. After instituting an electronic incident reporting form, the rates went up. What is the most likely reason for the increase in incident reports?

Decreasing Rates of Adverse Reactions

A local hospital has high rates of adverse drug reactions. What technologies could be utilized to decrease these rates? Select all that apply.


Color-Coding Call Buttons

How does color-coding call buttons increase the quality of care for clients? Select all that apply.

Bypassing Safety Features


What is the main reason staff and providers bypass the safety features of technology?


Reducing Medical Errors


The hospital moved from paper incident reporting to electronic. Data was collected and a committee was organized to review the data and produce ideas on how to prevent “never events”. Which solutions would reduce medical errors?

Impact of Technology on Safety

A newly hired nurse is being oriented to the different safety technologies used to provide client care. Which statement by the new nurse should be corrected by the nurse's mentor?

Clinical Decision Support System

A new employee at the hospital is orientating to technologies used on the floor. The new employee asks the nurse what a clinical decision support system is. What would be the nurse’s best response?

Error Management and Prevention

What are key components in error management and prevention in healthcare? Select all that apply.

Improving Care Using Technology


Virtual Services


Which clients are utilizing a virtual service? Select all that apply.

Types of Innovations


The use of medications that are engineered to target a specific type of cells, such as cancer, is an example of which medical innovation?

Fourth Industrial Revolution

The fourth industrial revolution spawned which of the following technologies?

Virtual Healthcare Technologies

Which statement is correct about virtual health care technologies? Types of Realities

Select the correct term from the drop-down menu that matches with the pictures of the technologies.

Developments in Technology

A client is using a headset to virtually educate themselves about how to operate a wheelchair. This is an example of which medical innovation?

Educational Technologies

While attending a cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) course, the healthcare professional uses which type of technology when practicing chest compressions?

Healthcare 4.0


Healthcare 4.0 resulted in which technology being used by many healthcare students and practitioners?


Identifying Virtual Healthcare

Sort the following healthcare activities into virtual or not virtual categories.


Voice Assistants

Josephine is a 68-year-old female with chronic health conditions. She recently got her first smartphone. How should the nurse recommend she use the phone’s voice assistant feature to improve compliance with care?

Virtual Reality

How can a nurse leader incorporate virtual reality to support client outcome goals? Select all that apply.

Computerized Prescriber Order Entry

When using a computerized order entry system, the health care provider is eliminating which unsafe practices? Select all that apply.

Technologies That Assist With Care

A newly admitted client does not speak English and has moderate dementia. Which piece of technology could assist the staff in the care of the client?

 “Smart” Rooms

The nursing administration approves the move to “smart” rooms in their facility to promote which client safety and care goals? Select all that apply.


Industrial Revolutions and the Introduction of Technologies

Sort the following statements into the correct industrial revolution.

Implementation of Technologies

A local hospital has a high volume of emergency room (ER) clients and wants to start implementing artificially intelligent (AI) robots to assist with triage. The Director of Medicine asked at a hospital board meeting, “What factors should we examine before implementing AI?” Which response would interfere with the board's preliminary work related to implementing AI in the ER?

Improving Outcomes Using Technology


Federal Acts that Improved Quality

Which federal act was specifically designed to promote information technology within healthcare organizations in order to improve the quality, safety, and efficiency of healthcare while reducing costs and ensuring client privacy during information exchange?

Data in Healthcare


Why is data collected and analyzed in healthcare? Select all that apply.

Electronic Health Records and Quality

A new nurse on the unit was being oriented to the electronic health record by her mentor. Which of the following statements from the nurse should be corrected by the mentor?


Deciding on a Hospital


A client is trying to decide which hospital is the best for managing heart failure. Which reliable resource could the client use?

Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems Survey

A client was discharged from the hospital two weeks ago and received the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) survey in the mail from the hospital asking about his experience. Why should the client fill out the survey?

How Technology Decreases Quality

What aspects of technology can decrease the quality of care? Select all that apply.

SAFER Guides

What is the purpose of the SAFER Guides?

Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act

How did the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act improve outcomes?

Quality Improvement Sources

A nurse is new to the quality improvement committee at the hospital. When asked what sources are used to improve quality, what would be the best response?

Importance of Quality Care

A nurse is putting together a presentation for the rest of the staff on the importance of delivering quality care to clients. Which statement below should be included in the presentation?

Comparison of Hospitals


The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services use data to compare hospitals. What types of data are used to create this comparison? Select all that apply.

Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation

A provider is being evaluated using the Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation from The Joint Commission. The provider tells the quality assurance nurse that the results “don’t really matter.” What is the most appropriate response from the quality assurance nurse?



Risk of Illness and Outcomes


What is the link between determining risk of illness and outcomes?


Hospital Survey

After discharge, a client receives the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS - pronounced "H-caps“) survey. What type of questions can the client expect? Select all that apply.


Data Entry and Outcomes

In one study by Hill et al. (2013), physicians in an emergency room spent 43% of their time doing data entry with close to 4000 total mouse clicks in a 10 hour shift. How can this impact client outcomes?




Instituition / Term
Term Uploaded 2023
Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Carmela Esqu

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