Healthcare and Patient Care Technologies
Healthcare Information Systems
The nurse enters the client’s vital signs and assessment into the electronic health record at the nurse’s station. Which of the following systems does this best describe?
Information Systems Communication
For healthcare information systems to work more efficiently, they must have operability
Mobile Apps
Which phrase best describes the ability to use a video conferencing application on a cell phone?
Match the task to the system that is needed:
Implementation of a New System
The informatics nurse is setting up a new instant messaging system for the unit. Which of the following statements by the nurse administrator indicates further information is needed?
Advantages of Clinical Documentation Systems
Which of the following are advantages of a clinical documentation system? Select all that apply.
System Interoperability
Which outcome occurs when there is no interoperability between systems?
The nurse administrator contacts the information systems department with concerns that the current clinical documentation system and the order entry system lack the ability to communicate efficiently. Which solution would be optimal in creating interoperability?
The informatics nurse is assisting with the installation of a new clinical documentation system at the hospital. To ensure test results are available, which of the following system(s) will need interoperability? Select all that apply.
Staffing Needs
In scheduling nurses for tomorrow morning’s shift, the staffing office contacts the charge nurse to find out staffing needs. In responding to the staffing office, which system should the charge nurse review?
The informatics nurse is reviewing the variance information from the open cholecystectomy pathway initiated at the local hospital last year. The nurse notes that in 90% of the cases the client did not receive orders to ambulate until day three postoperatively, and discharge was delayed by one day in all these cases. Based on this information which statements can be considered?
Select all that apply.
An elderly client is seeing their physician for the first-time using video conferencing software on their personal computer. The client struggles with connecting to the internet. Which term best describes this problem?
The nurse informatics specialist is working with the business office to improve interoperability between the billing system and the clinical documentation system.
Example Record in Clinical Documentation System
Review the following information and highlight the field names in the tables below that will need an interface in the connection process between the two systems:
Health Information Exchange
The informatics nurse is scheduled to meet with a Health Information Exchange (HIE) to discuss their hospital systems’ abilities and needs for transmitting admission, transfer, and discharge information to other hospitals. Which of the following best describes the purpose of a HIE?
Communication Devices
The hospital’s client call light system uses two-way communication from the desk to a speaker in the client’s room to communicate. When the client presses the call light, the healthcare professional at the nurse's station can press a button and ask from the desk what the client may need. Which statement is accurate concerning this type of hospital client call system?
Patient Care Technologies
Which statement best describes a workaround?
Human Technology Interface
Which description is most accurate to describe the human technology interface?
Spot the Issue
Review the picture below and select which problem an informatics nurse may identify:
Ergonomic deficiencies
Human Technological Interface failure
Workflow Analysis Advantages
Which statements describe advantages of a workflow analysis? Select all that apply.
Human Interface Design - Ventilators
A new ventilator is being evaluated by the informatics nurse. When the ventilator is disconnected from the client, the vendor incorporated a soft chime so as not to startle the healthcare professionals. Which statement is most accurate about this human technology interface component?
Human - Informatics Interface
A nurse submits an incident report stating he is experiencing a lot of neck pain. He feels this may be related to the laptop he is using at the nurse's station. Which is the best option for the informatics nurse to proceed?
Which statement describes a workaround for an unintended consequence?
Workflow Analysis
Review the following workflow analysis below. How can this workflow be improved?
Informatics Challenges
Match the informatics conclusions with the description in the following paragraph:
Future Technology
As technology continues to advance, robots are currently being piloted for which uses? Select all that apply.
Mobile Unit Issues
The hospital is organizing a COVID-19 vaccination and testing center under a large tent opposite the hospital entrance. Which technology concerns may the informatics nurse need to address? Select all that apply.
- Will there be sufficient personal protective equipment (PPE) available?
- Is battery charging station close by and enough for any mobile device in use?
- Is there a strong wireless signal available?
- How and where will the client and insurance information be collected?
- What clinical documentation system will be used for this temporary site?
- How many testing kits are needed?
Informatics Inefficiencies
Review these minutes from the hospital informatics taskforce meeting. Answer the following questions.
Meeting Minutes
Transcript Link
Topic: Admission process
Issue: Admissions note completed by the admissions nurse can take up to 90 minutes to complete using the current electronic health record
In collecting information, the task force notes that there are over 150 questions on the admission note, some of the information is available in other systems, there are 30 separate screens to navigate through, and many of the form fields require typed entries.
Question 1 / 3
Which recommendations should the informatics nurse make based on the information available? Select all that apply.
Question 2 / 3
After further evaluation, an internal internet site was set up for clients to complete a portion of the admission information themselves. Which statements from the client indicate more work might be needed? Select all that apply.
Question 3 / 3
After some further evaluation, an internal internet site was set up and clients were given the opportunity to complete some of the admission information themselves.
The nurse discovers that some of the information entered by the client was incorrect. Which action should be considered? Select all that apply.
Environmental Issues
The medication cabinet now uses a biometric reader that uses facial identification for entry. The nurse working in the COVID unit is unable to use the biometric identifier because of the requirement to always wear a mask and face shield. Which term is used to describe this issue?
Instituition / Term | |
Term | Uploaded 2023 |
Institution | Chamberlain |
Contributor | Carmela Esqu |