NR 621 Week 8 Self-Assessment of NLN Core Competencies

  • NR 621 Week 8 Self-Assessment of NLN Core Competencies
  • $20.00

Institution NR 621 Nurse Educator Concluding Graduate Experience I
Contributor Lilian

NR621 Directions: Reflect upon and complete self-assessment at the beginning of Week 1 and submit by 11:59 p.m. MT Sunday of Week 1 (Possible points =50).  In Week 8, reflect upon and complete the self-assessment and submit it by 11:59 p.m. MT Wednesday of Week 8 (Possible points = 50).

NR622 Directions: Reflect upon and complete self-assessment and submit by Wednesday, Week 8 at 11:59 p.m. MT  


For each of the NLN Core Compentencies below, select the number that best represents your confidence that you meet this competency at this point in time.   

1= I am not confident at all that I meet these competencies; I need significant practice in this area   

2=1  am somewhat confident that I meet this competency but could use some practice in this area  ........... Continue



Instituition / Term
Term Year 2022
Institution NR 621 Nurse Educator Concluding Graduate Experience I
Contributor Lilian

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