NR 603 Week 6 APEA Case Study Discussion; Part 1 - Urology

  • NR 603 Week 6 APEA Case Study Discussion; Part 1 -  Urology
  • $20.00

Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Hartnett Kara

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CC: Pain during urination

Case Study Urology


HPI: Pt is a 58 y.o. female with hx of HTN and type 2 DM, that presents with complaint pain during urination, and back pain that started 2 days ago. She denies any blood in her urinary, urinary incontinence or fever. She has been using Tylenol at home for the pain and it is not helping. She reports the pain as a 10/10. She has also been having hot flashes and has gone 2 months without menstruating and feels she is going through menopause.


PSH: Patients surgical history – C-section

SH/FH: Married, 2 children that are alive and well. Is adopted does not know family history. Works as an accountant, denies smoking or alcohol use.

Allergies: NKDA

Medications: Amlodipine 10 mg, daily, Metformin 1000mg BID. ROS:

Constitutional: has a sedentary lifestyle, sits for work and does not exercise. Has a poor diet of fast food and soda, has gained 15 pounds since last year’s visit.

HEENT: Denies an HA’s, dizziness, sore throat or congestion. PULM: No cough, SOB or wheezing

CV: Denies CP or recent palpitations.

GI/GU: Denies N/V/D/Constipation, blood in urine or stool. Pain during urination x 2 days, pain radiates to left flank.

EXT: Denies pain, tingling or numbness in upper or lower extremities, denies edema Psych: Denies any anxiety or psychiatric history.

PE: (Objective)……….. Continue



Instituition / Term
Term Nursing
Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Hartnett Kara

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