NR 603 Week 3 Quiz Topics

  • NR 603 Week 3 Quiz Topics
  • $35.00

Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Isabella

Heart Failure (ch 121)

  • Congestive heart failure (CHF) risks
  • CHF typical presentation
  • NYHA Classification of CHF
  • AHA/ACC 2009 - staging system of heart
  • HFrEF stands for
  • HFpEF stands for
  • HFmrEF stands for
  • CHF Diagnosis orders
  • CHF treatment & management
  • CHF treatment & management : ACE targets
  • CHF treatment & management : Beta blocker targets
  • **CHF treatment & management : 2016 guidelines**
  • ARNI - ARB combined w neprilysin
  • Other management guidelines for CHF
  • Top 10 challenges of CHF management


High Cholesterol ( ch 211)

  • Hyperlipidemia LDL-C (mg/dL)
  • Triglycerides (mg/dL) HDL-C
  • 10-year ASCVD risk (IB) assessment
  • Lifetime ASCVD risk assessment
  • Other tests of value for ASCVD assessment
  • Lifestyle recommendations forASCVD prevention
  • TLC for hyperlipidemia ; Nutrition
  • Exercise recommendations for hyperlipidemia/BP
  • Primary prevention for ASCVD; Statin Medications
  • Secondary prevention for ASCVD; Statin Medications
  • What do you assess prior to starting Statin therapy
  • Common secondary causes of hyperlipidemia
  • Complimentary medicine for hypercholesterolemia
  • Co-enzyme Q 10 doses
  • interpret labs and ASCVD risk assessment:


HTN- (ch 122)

  • Define hypertension, both systolic and diastolic
  • Differentiate between:
  • Discuss the prevalence of primary and secondary hypertension in this country
  • Discuss the procedure for obtaining an accurate blood pressure
  • Compare office blood pressure to ambulatory blood pressure monitoring and home monitoring in the diagnosis and treatment of hypertension
  • Outline and explain each portion of the work-up for the patient with primary and secondary hypertension. Include important aspects of:
  • Formulate treatment goals for hypertension
  • Manage the treatment of hypertension including lifestyle modification and pharmacologic therapy based on the JNC 7 algorithm
  • Describe the following for Thiazide-diuretics:
  • Describe the following for Beta-Blockers:
  • Describe the following for Ca Channel Blockers:
  • Describe the following for ACE-Inhibitors:
  • Describe the following for Aldosterone antagonists:
  • Discuss the use of Osteopathic Manipulation in the treatment of hypertension
  • Outline follow-up visits for the treatment of hypertension
  • What are causes of secondary hypertension? (hint ABCDE)
  • Define hypertension for children and adolescents
  • Discuss the relationship between BP & CVD
  • What specific questions should you ask during the history?
  • What specific questions should you ask during the review of systems?
  • What specifically should you look at when performing a physical exam on a pt whom you suspect has HTN
  • Describe what lab and diagnostic tests would be useful to determine cause of secondary hypertension?
  • Describe recommended lifestyle modifications
  • Error! Filename not specified.
  • Discuss the treatment of hypertension in special groups such as:
  • Describe the favorable outcomes for drug considerations in treatment of HTN
  • Describe the unfavorable outcomes for drug considerations in treatment of HTN
  • Define resistant hypertension     
  • List possible reasons for resistant hypertension
  • Discuss patient compliance for treatment of HTN
  • Differentiate secondary causes of hypertension based of clinical presentation:
  • Discuss the treatment of hypertension in special groups such as:


MI- ( ch 120)

  • Types of MI
  • Anterior wall MI
  • Septal Wall MI
  • lateral wall MI
  • Inferior wall MI
  • RV infarction
  • Symptoms of MI
  • 5 components of Pain Assessment
  • Diagnositc Test for MI
  • Tx and *N intervention for MI
  • Drug therapy for MI
  • Additional *N care for MI
  • Discharge planning for MI


PE (pulmonary embolism)  

  • Define PE: Pulmonary Embolus.
  • What does it reduce?
  • What do the effects produce?
  • Blockage of pulmonary arteries by thrombus, fat or air embolus, or tumor tissue and Obstructs alveolar perfusion is what condition?                                                  
  • Pulmonary embolism most commonly affect what lobes?            
  • What are risk factors for pulmonary embolism?
  • What is the most common symptom of pulmonary embolism(PE)?                   
  • S/S of PE are dependent on size and extent of?              
  • Alveolar necrosis and hemorrhage, Abscess, and Pleural effusion are s/s is from what complication that can happen from PE?                 
  • What complication from PE Results from hypoxemia associated with massive or recurrent emboli and Right ventricular hypertrophy?           
  • What diagnostic study for PE gets Elevated with any clot degradation and False negatives with small PE?
  • What diagnostic test is used most frequently for dx test and requires IV contrast media?
  • What diagnostic test is used if pt can't have contrast?
  • What diagnostic test is the most sensitive but invasive?
  • ______ is key for PE?
  • Collaborative care for PE:
  • Goals of treatment for PE:
  • Examples of supportive care for PE?
  • Examples of fibrinolytic agents used for PE?
  • What surgical therapy should be used for a massive PE?
  • What surgical therapy prevents migration of clots in pulmonary system?
  • Nursing management for PE:
  • What should a nurse teach to a pt with PE?
  • Evaluation:


Instituition / Term
Term Spring Session
Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Isabella

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