NR 603 Week 2 Mental Health Management Plan - Delayed Grief

  • NR 603 Week 2 Mental Health Management Plan - Delayed Grief
  • $20.00

Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Taylor

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Diagnoses – Delayed (Prolonged) Grief Recommended diagnostic testing—

There are currently no definitive diagnostic tests recommended for delayed grief. A comprehensive clinical interview is required to obtain detailed history and risk factors to diagnose someone with delayed grief. In order to diagnose this disorder, a PHQ-9 scoring is done, and if the patient has 3 out of 8 symptoms for longer than one month, the score of depression can be given. PHQ-9 is a valuable tool to determine someone's depressive state and how it relates to the other clinical complaints provided. Questions could be asked, "Do you feel like your life is meaningless or hopeless?" or "Do you often feel lonely?" (Appelbaum, n.d.)

To rule out other differentials, a provider may order blood tests and imaging, including a thyroid panel, hormone levels, kidney function tests, lipid panel, urinalysis, and a toxicology screen. Other psychological screening tools such as the Yearning in Situations of Loss Scale (YSL), Brief Grief Questionnaire (BGQ), Inventory of Complicated Greif (ICG), General Anxiety Disorder Screening (GAD-5), Structural Clinical Interview for Complicated Grief (SCI- CG), and Typical Beliefs Questionnaire (TBQ) and the Grief-Related Avoidance Questionnaire (GRAQ) (Szuhany et al, 2021).

Medications –


Medications will not be the first-line treatment for the case study. However, in the setting of depression related to grief for this adult patient, a low-dose antidepressant may be a reasonable plan. Escitalopram, an SSRI antidepressant, may be used to treat symptoms of secondary depression due to the underlying diagnoses of delayed grief (Landy et al, 2022).

Another issue the patient has been having is nightmares that have


prevented adequate sleep and lack of appetite. Melatonin is a safe


alternative to sleep aids and is considered first-line therapy for


insomnia (Savage et al., 2022)……….. Continue



Instituition / Term
Term Fall Session
Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Taylor

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