NR 603 Week 1 Compare and Contrast Discussion; Migraine Headache and Concussive Syndrome

  • NR 603 Week 1 Compare and Contrast Discussion; Migraine Headache and Concussive Syndrome
  • $15.00

Institution NR 603 Advanced Clinical Diagnosis and Practice Across the Lifespan
Contributor Sharonda

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According to xxxxx, headaches are among the most common disorders seen by both neurologists and primary care physicians. Migraine is a complex disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of headache, most often unilateral and in some cases associated with visual or sensory symptom collectively known as an aura that arise most often before the head pain but that may occur during or afterward. In the other, concussions are a major concern for public health. Despite increased concussion awareness, the incidence of concussions is constantly on the rise. Repeated injury can lead to significant long-term effects and can even be fatal. Health practitioners have a great opportunity to improve patient outcomes following a concussion and prevent the occurrence of recurrent and initial concussions. There are considerable knowledge deficits among athletes, parents, and coaches in the community concerning concussions. It is crucial that education to this specific population be enhanced to avoid complications from these injuries.


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Summary Contrast and Comparison between Migraines and Post-Concussive Syndrome


Model Systems Knowledge Center. (2015). Emotional problems after traumatic brain injury. Model Systems Knowledge Center. Retrieved from:

Mulholland, M. (2015, June). Trending issue and long-term effects of recurrent concussion in sport. Journal of Physical Education and Sports Management, 2(1), 120-122.

Spira, J. L., Lathan, C. E., Bleiberg, J., & Tsao, J. W. (2014). The Impact of Multiple Concussions on Emotional Distress, Post-Concussive Symptoms, and Neurocognitive Functioning in Active Duty United States Marines Independent of Combat Exposure or Emotional Distress. Journal of Neurotrauma, 31(22), 1823–1834.  

Colio, S. D and Low, R J (2015). Concussion Diagnosis. Retrieved from: 


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Instituition / Term
Term Fall Semester
Institution NR 603 Advanced Clinical Diagnosis and Practice Across the Lifespan
Contributor Sharonda

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