NR 602 Week 4 Midterm Template

  • NR 602 Week 4 Midterm Template
  • $45.00

Institution Chamberlain
Contributor J. William
  1. Asthma – all levels of severity


  • What are s/s of asthma?
  • How is asthma dx'd?
  • What are mild asthma s/s?
  • What are moderate asthma s/s?
  • What are severe asthma s/s?


  1. Blepharitis
  • What is blepharitis?
  • What are the two types of blepharitis?
  • What can cause seborrheic blepharitis?
  • What are s/s of seborrheic blepharitis?
  • What usually causes ulcerative blepharitis?
  • What are s/s of ulcerative blepharitis?
  • What is the treatment for blepharitis?
  • How are infected eyelids with blepharitis treated?
  • How is blepharitis infection resistant to topical abx treated?


  1. Café au lait spot
  • What are cafe au lait spots?
  • If a child has >5 cafe au lait spots that are >1.5cm, what should be suspected?
  • In kids <5yo with 5 or more cafe au lait spots of at least 0.5cm, what should be suspected?
  • What is a rare but diagnostic sign of neurofibromatosis?


  1. Celiac Disease
  • Risk factors
  • Clinical Findings
  • Diagnostic Studies
  • Specific Tests for Celiac Disease
  • Management
  • Complications and Prognosis


  1. Chalazions
  • What is a chalazion?
  • What causes a chalazion?
  • What puts a person at risk for a chalazion?
  • What are physical exam findings for a chalazion?
  • What is prevention for chalazion?
  • What is treatment for chalazion?
    What is the follow-up for chalazion?


  1. Clostridium difficile
  • Incubation UNKNOWN


  1. Coarctation of the aorta
  2. Congenital Heart Defects in Children
  3. Conjunctivitis
  • What is conjunctivitis?
  • What is the most common cause of conjunctivitis in peds?
  • What are some common causes of bacterial conjunctivitis?
  • What are s/s of bacterial conjunctivitis?
  • How long does bacterial conjunctivitis usually last?
  • What is the treatment for bacterial conjunctivitis?
  • What is the most common organism causing bacterial conjunctivitis?
  • What are common causative organisms of viral conjunctivitis?
  • What are s/s of viral conjunctivitis?
  • What is treatment for viral conjunctivitis?
  • How long does viral conjunctivitis usually last?
  • What is the cause of chlamydial conjunctivitis?
  • What are s/s of chlamydial conjunctivitis?
  • When does gonococcal conjunctivitis usually occur?
  • What is the biggest concern with gonococcal conjunctivitis?
  • What is the treatment for chlamydial conjunctivitis?
  • When does chlamydial conjunctivitis usually improve?
  • What causes allergic conjunctivitis?
  • What are s/s of allergic conjunctivitis?
  • How is allergic conjunctivitis treated?
  • When is improvement usually seen in allergic conjunctivitis?
  • How is chemical conjunctivitis treated?
  • What are s/s of chemical conjunctivitis?
  • Conjunctivitis never accompanies _______________ ________________.
  • When is ophthalmology referral necessary for conjunctivitis?
  • When can a pt return to work/school with conjunctivitis?
  1. Contraceptives
  2. Cryptosporidium
  3. Diarrhea
  • Diarrhea: Common causes
  • Diarrhea: Clinical findings
  • Diarrhea RED FLAGS
  • Diarrhea: Management


  1. Dissecting aortic arch
  2. Down Syndrome
  3. Dysplasia of the hip
  4. Febrile Seizures
  1. Growth and development


  1. Hand-Foot-Mouth Syndrome
  • What is hand foot mouth?
  • What is the most common cause of HFM?
  • What are s/s of HFM?
  • How long does HFM usually last?
  • When does the exanthem of HFM occur?
  • What are some differentials for HFM?
  • What is the treatment for HFM?


  1. Headaches
  2. Hemangioma
  • What is a hemangioma?
  • What is a strawberry hemangioma?
  • What is a possible treatment for strawberry hemangioma?
  1. Herpetic whitlow
  • What is herpetic whitlow?
  • Where does herpetic whitlow usually occur?
  • How long are herpetic whitlow lesions contagious?
  • What are s/s of herpetic whitlow?
  • What are some diagnostic studies for herpetic whitlow?
  • What is the gold standard for diagnosing herpetic whitlow?


  1. Idopathic Scoliosis
  2. Impetigo
  • What is impetigo?
  • What causes bullous impetigo?
  • What causes non-bullous impetigo?
  • What does non-bullous impetigo look like?
  • What are some treatments for impetigo?
  • How long before impetigo usually resolves?


  1. Intussusception
  • Intussusception (Causes)
  • Intussusception (Commonly presents in what age group?)
  • Intussusception (Hallmark Clinical Findings)
  • Intussusception (Clinical findings)
  • Intussusception (Diagnosis)
  • Intussusception (Management)
  1. Iron Deficiency Aemia
  2. Iron Deficiency Anemia
  3. Juvenile Idiopathic arthritis
  4. Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis
  5. Kawasaki Disease
  • What is kawasaki dz?
  • What is diagnostic criteria for Kawasaki dz?
  • What is stage 1 of Kawasaki dz?
  • What is stage 2 of Kawasaki dz?
  • What is stage 3 of Kawasaki dz?
  • What are some differentials for Kawasaki dz?
  • What are some tests for Kawasaki dz?
  • What is the pharm treatment for Kawasaki dz?
  • What are some complications of Kawasaki?


  1. Menarche
  2. Milia
  3. Mitral Valve prolapse
  4. Molluscum Contagiosum
  • What is molluscum contagiosum?
  • How long does it take molluscum to resolve?
  • What do molluscum lesions looks like?
  • Where is molluscum usually NOT found?
  • How is molluscum spread?
  • What are fomites?
  • What is the treatment for molluscum?


  1. Osgood-Schlatter
  • Osgood-Schlatter Disease: What is it?
  • Osgood-Schlatter Disease: Epidemiology (1. M vs F 2. Occurs in what age?)
  • Osgood-Schlatter Disease: History/PE
  • Osgood-Schlatter Disease: Associated with what activities/risk factors
  • Osgood-Schlatter Disease: Diagnosis
  • Osgood-Schlatter Disease: Management


  1. Osteomyelitis
  2. Otitis Externa


  1. Otitis media
  • What is acute otitis media? Acute infection of the middle ear.
  • What are s/s of acute otitis media?
  • What are risk factors for acute otitis media?
  • What is the treatment for acute otitis media?
    Watchful waiting x48-72h before Rx
  • When does otitis media w/effusion occur?
  • What are s/s of otitis media w/effusion?
  • What is treatment for otitis media w/effusion?


  1. Port-wine stain (nevus flammeus)
  2. Precocious puberty
  3. Primary Dysmenorrhea
  4. Puberty
  5. Pyloric stenosis
  • Patho:
  • sign and symptoms:
  • diagnosis
  • Treatment


  1. Rheumatic Fever
  • What is rheumatic fever?
  • What all can rheumatic fever affect?
  • What are s/s of rheumatic fever?
  • What are some tests for rheumatic fever?
  • What is treatment for rheumatic fever?


  1. Rotavirus
  2. RSV Bronchiolitis
  • What is bronchiolitis?
  • What are s/s of bronchiolitis?
  • How is bronchiolitis dx'd?
  • How is bronchiolitis treated?


  1. Salmon patch
  2. Salmonella
  3. Scoliosis
  • Scoliosis: Classifications
  • Scoliosis: Physical Exam Findings
  • Scoliosis: Diagnostic Studies
  • Scoliosis: Management


  1. Strep Pharyngitis
  • What is strep pharyngitis?
  • What are s/s of viral pharyngitis?
  • What are s/s of bacterial pharyngitis?
  • What commonly causes viral pharyngitis?
  • What commonly causes bacterial pharyngitis?
  • What increases the risk of getting pharyngitis?
  • What are s/s of strep throat?
  • What are some diagnostic tests for pharyngitis?
  • What are some treatments for pharyngitis?
  • What is the incubation period for pharyngitis?
  • When is a consult/referral needed for pharyngitis?
  • When is a pt no longer contagious with pharyngitis?


  1. Supravalvular Aortic Valve Stenosis
  2. Testicular Torsion

If there is a testicular torsion what is your window to save the testicle?

  • What is Testicular Torsion?
  • Scrotal Pain-Testicular Torsion: Presentation
  • Scrotal Pain- Torsion Awareness: T-W-I-S-T
  • Scrotal Pain- Torsion of the Appendix Testis: Presentation
  • How to differentiate Testicular Torsion vs Torsion of the Appendix Testis?
  • Torsion of Appendix Testis: Treatment


  1. Transient Synovitis of the hip
  2. Turner Syndrome
  3. Verruca Vulgaris
  • What is verruca vulgaris?
  • What are the characteristics of the common wart?
  • What is the treatment for warts?
  • When should a biopsy be done on a wart?


  1. Wilm’s Tumor



Instituition / Term
Term Summer 2019
Institution Chamberlain
Contributor J. William

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