NR 602 Week 2 Quizv2

  • NR 602 Week 2 Quizv2
  • $25.00

Institution NR 602 Primary Care of the Childbearing and Childrearing Family
Contributor Lopez
  1. Question: Nancy is an eleven year old presenting for an annual well child visit. When reviewing the physiology of puberty, you recall that the initiation of puberty begins physiologically whit the release of GnRhby the:
  2. Question: Adolescence sexuality is important to understand and to discuss with your patients. Sexual behavior begins with childhood curiosity. Based upon the following characteristics, you would define your patient in which level of adolescence:
  3. Question: Adolescence is a period of time where patients undergo significant biological, psychological, and emotional growth. Which of the following characteristics describe the psychosocial development of middle adolescence?
  4. Question: I can walk well on tiptoes, my speech is 50% understandable, I know six body parts, but I can't balance on one foot for 2 seconds. I am:
  5. Question: Which of the following children has abnormal language development
  6. Question: A typically developing 8 year old girl will have which of the following genital development?
  7. Question: A new mother is concerned about a strawberry hemangioma that her infant daughter has on the back of her neck. What is the treatment of choice for the majority of infants with hemanhiomas?
  8. Question: Natasha is an eleven-year-old girl brought to your office for an annual well-child visit. When discussing the onset of puberty with Natasha and her mother, you would emphasize which of the following?
  9. Question: You see a 4-year-old for a well-child visit. He has received four diptheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis vaccines (DTaP); three injected polio vaccines (IPV); one measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine (MMR); one varicella vaccine; and two hepatitis B (Hep B) vaccines.
  10. Question: What do you order today? Pneumoccoccal conjugate vaccine (PCV13), IPV, varicella and DTaP Tetanus and diphtheria toxoid with acellular pertussis (TdaP), MMR, hepatitis B, and IPV




Instituition / Term
Term Term 2020
Institution NR 602 Primary Care of the Childbearing and Childrearing Family
Contributor Lopez

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