NR 601 Week 8 Final Exam Study Guide

  • NR 601 Week 8 Final Exam Study Guide
  • $30.00

Institution Chamberlain
Contributor K. Lauren
  • Patient w/o risk of adverse effect from metformin- patient with BMI > 30
  • 68 y/o woman stress incontinence, leukocyte esterase +, nitrates +, 15 WBCs- no tx necessary
  • 66 y/o woman, BMI 28, HTN, fasting 126 last year, repeat 115, 201 random- prescribe metformin
  • Adjuvant analgesics- neuropathic pain patients
  • Increased r/f for ED- obesity, CAD, DM (all)


  • 60 y/o TC= 250, HDL= 32, LDL= 165- modifiable---diabetes, obesity, and ^ LDL
  • Woman w/complicated cystitis & s/s of upper tract disease needs culture- and sensitivity test
  • Noted in patients with parkinson’s- micrographia and bradykinesia
  • Medication that blunts s/s of hypoglycemia- beta blockers
  • depression + dementia poor choice for medication, DON’T prescribe- Amitriptyline


  • Role of APRN in palliative cancer care- detecting, identifying, managing, arranging (all)
  • Characteristic of delirium distinguished from dementia- acute onset
  • 58 y/o caucasian man, DM II, metformin, HA1C 7%, BP 142/96- furosemide
  • Most patients in hospice care die- at home
  • Dementia- sundowning- becomes worse towards the evening

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Instituition / Term
Term Summer 2018
Institution Chamberlain
Contributor K. Lauren

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