NR 601 Week 8 Final Exam Study Guide

  • NR 601 Week 8 Final Exam Study Guide
  • $39.00

Institution Chamberlain
Contributor K. Lauren
  1. Acute coronary syndrome presents …………...
  2. Topical capsaicin is often used for …………...
  3. Soft tissue swelling on xray is rheumatoid …………...
  4. Depression is the leading cause of …………...
  5. One inch decrease in height is suspect …………...
  6. CRP is most valuable diagnostic when …………....
  7. Mitral valve prolapse, no symptomes clear breath …………...
  8. Lack of emotions are distinct symptoms …………....
  9. MI 5 yrs ago, currently has SOB, 2+ …………...
  10. Normochromic, normocytic anemia and thrombocytosis …………...
  11. Example of secondary prevention is checking …………...
  12. Basic testing for 1 htn is fbs, cbc, lipid, bmp, …………....
  13. Start low and go slow is the recommended…………....
  14. Flattening of the diaphragm w/ blunting of costophrenic angle and abnormally large retrosternal…………....
  15. Follow up of every 3-6 months is recomm …………....
  16. Curvature of the spine with a sharp angle …………...
  17. Water exercise is an effective exercise …………....
  18. Increased risk of DM is NOT part …………...
  19. The prevalence of depression in NH …………....
  20. Osteoarthritis primary effect weight …………...
  21. Somatic symptoms of anxiety include palps, CP, tachycardia, …………....
  22. Spirometry is the gold standard …………....
  23. Post MI best evidine drugs are ASA, ACE …………....
  24. 54yo AA female with BMI 23 and 120-128/76-78 …………....
  25. Follow up for treated stage 1 htn and high …………...
  26. T-score of -2.0 is consistent …………...
  27. The purpose of BEERS is to improve …………....
  28. Persistent pain and limited motion in affected …………....
  29. Asses for Left Ventricular Hypertrophy …………...
  30. Past MI, new SOB, esp with exertion and occas …………....
  31. 65 yo male with no vaccs since age 25 needs Tdap …………....
  32. Your responsibility is to promote + lifestyle …………...
  33. Crystal deposition is not related …………....
  34. 55 yo caucasian with cough and dyspnea …………....
  35. Upper zone of redistribution of pulmonary blood flow …………....
  36. Anxiety is not a normal part …………....
  37. Bisphosphate should be taken with full glass …………...
  38. SIG-E-CAPS stands for Sleep, Interest, Guilt, …………...
  39. Pain that best describes RA- begins early …………...
  40. The most effective meds for neuropathic pain …………....
  41. BP goal for 68 yo asian female w/o history …………....
  42. 68 yo white female with PMR, no labs …………....
  43. Zolpidem 5mg PO HS #7 after melatonin …………....
  44. Stage B heart failure gets ACE or ARB, …………...
  45. Stage A heart failure gets Heart …………....
  46. Cardiometabolic changes for pt on aripiprazole (Abilify) …………...
  47. Influenza A is often responsible for outbreaks …………....
  48. Overlapping symptoms of depression include anemia, …………....
  49. An A1C of 6.2% is considered prediabetes. 3.5 …………....
  50. Asses for ejaculatory dysfunction when pt …………....
  51. Nausea and stomach cramping is normal s/e …………...
  52. Consider HTN, DM and atherosclerosis …………....
  53. Watchful waiting is appropriate tx …………....
  54. Avoiding sugar, caffeine, chocolate and etoh …………....
  55. Pelvic exam is indicated for female with dysuria …………....
  56. All adult patients should be screened …………....
  57. Aging is the #1 risk factor for urinary …………...
  58. Beta Blockers can blunt the signs …………....
  59. Acanthosis Nigricans is a sign of insulin …………....
  60. Pt with BMI >30 do not have the risk …………...
  61. Detrusor overactivity is the sudden compelling …………...
  62. Metformin XR 500 PO is initial med …………....
  63. Acanthosis Nigricans is associated with Colon …………...
  64. Cipro 10-14 days is appropriate tx for afebrile …………....
  65. Lisinopril is approp for 55 yo white male, T2DM, …………...
  66. Urinary incontinence is the unintentional …………...
  67. UTI can cause UI in 76 …………...
  68. Either FBS, A1C or OGTT …………....
  69. 2nd line tx for male UI (BPH) …………...
  70. The FEV1/FVC ratio is the % of FVC …………...
  71. Aging causes the normal physio changes in the heart of heart …………...
  72. Stage C heart failure include h/o structural damage …………...
  73. Stage B heart failure include h/o mitral valve …………...
  74. Coronary artery disease with angina pectoris presents as CP, …………...
  75. Echo is the best non invasive way to dx …………...
  76. Chronic pain may be linked to depression, sleep …………...
  77. Beers Criteria is for patients on certain meds …………...
  78. Likelihood of heart failure is low if BNP …………...
  79. Physiological aging is not the cause …………...
  80. B/P for 65 yo AA with no hx of HTN, DM, …………...
  81. HF is caused by inadequate cardiac output to meet …………...
  82. 60 yo female, smoking, daily cough, increased …………...
  83. FVC is the volume of air a pt can exhale for total …………...
  84. 2017 ACC guideline say Normal HTN …………...
  85. Functional abilities are best assessed …………...
  86. Aortic regurgitation requires treatment …………...
  87. TLC is the volume of air in the lungs …………...
  88. Preferred amount of exercise for older adults …………...
  89. FEV1 is the total volume of air a pt can exhale …………...
  90. The major impact of physio changes that occur …………...
  91. The strongest evidence on aging is available …………...
  92. Polypharmacy can be even a single med …………...
  93. Pharmacokinetic changes w/ aging is reflective …………...
  94. Underlying chronic disease has little impact …………...
  95. Drugs distributed in water do not have …………...
  96. Men have a faster and more efficient biotransformation …………...
  97. The cytochrome P system involves enzymes …………...
  98. Aging does not cause an increase sensitivity …………...
  99. Elderly do not always have CP …………...
  100. Depression is not considered resctrivie …………...
  101. In mitral stenosis, p waves may suggest L …………...
  102. Angina equivalents such as dyspnea are important because some women dont have CP and some pts …………...
  103. Exercise stress test in indicated in 55yo postmenopausal …………...
  104. Labs before a stress test include cbc w/diff to rule …………...
  105. The clinical standard to test for aortic …………...
  106. The most common valvular dz is older …………...
  107. What type of murmur can be heard with aortic …………...
  108. Ischemic heart disease is …………...
  109. Bradycardia is not a s/s of PNA plasma noradrenaline …………...
  110. Most anti-arrhythmics have low toxic therapeutic rations …………...
  111. Strep pneumonia is most commonly responsible …………...
  112. Pulmonary embolism is most common in 72 yo female …………...
  113. Geriatric syndrome has multiple underlying factors …………...
  114. Anal wink reflex is used to test sensation and pudental …………....
  115. Esophageal dz can mimic and often coexist with MI …………....
  116. Thoracic aortic dissection presents as severe retrosternal …………...
  117. Bordetella pertussis is characterized by subacute cough …………....
  118. Skin turgor at the sternum is NOT a reliable indicator …………....
  119. Delirium and dementia may coexist, the primary consideration …………...
  120. Presbystasis is described as age related disequilibrium of unknown …………...
  121. If dizziness has a predictable pattern then …………....
  122. Smooth muscle relaxants is not a contributor …………...
  123. History of a fall is the most important …………...
  124. The most cost effective interventions to prevent falls …………...
  125. Chronic fatigue syndrome if fatigue that lasts …………...
  126. Which form of headache …………...
  127. Microscopic hematuria is 3 or more RBCs on …………...
  128. Childhood asthma is NOT a risk factor for malignancy …………...
  129. Recent weight loss is losing more than 10 lbs …………...
  130. Arthritis is the most common cause …………...
  131. Lipedema is bilat distribution of fat …………....
  132. Drug induced pruritus may occur right …………....
  133. Orthostatic hypotension is more common …………...
  134. The most common tremor is Parkinson's …………...
  135. Overflow incontinence is usually assoc …………....
  136. Wandering is best described as purposeful …………....
  137. The leading cause of death in elderly travelers …………...
  138. Salad buffet should be avoided in countries …………....
  139. Using 100% DEET on skin is not necessary …………....
  140. Which of the following is correct regarding TB …………...
  141. Ordering a fbs, lipid, return visit for BP check …………...
  142. Performing ROM exercises in pt with recent CVA …………...
  143. Providing info about meds, side effects and interactions …………....
  144. Beginning stress management is an example of Active …………....
  145. Four main domains of clinical preventive services include counseling interventions, …………...
  146. Appropriate method for TB screening of new NH pt is 5 tbu intradermal ppd injection and …………...
  147. Majority of depressed older adults remain untreated because of All of the above, misdiagnosis, …………....
  148. Lack of emotions is a depression symptom …………....
  149. Dementia develops slowly and delirium …………...
  150. Confusion Assessment Method is the most appropriate …………....
  151. Diphenhydramine causes delirium because …………...
  152. Elderly are at high risk for delirium because all of the above, multisensory declines, polypharmacy…………....
  153. Consistent finding in delirium regardless of the cause …………...
  154. Older adults with dementia sometimes suffer …………...
  155. St. Louis University Mental Status Exams (SLUMS) …………....
  156. The cornerstone of pharmacotherapy in tx alzheimer's …………....
  157. Amitriptyline is a poor choice and should …………...
  158. Pts with OA of knee and hip often …………....
  159. Joint effusions occur later in the course of OA …………....
  160. Which of the following DD for pts presenting with PMR …………...
  161. Best method to verify gout is joint aspiration …………...
  162. Thiazide diuretics can contribute …………....
  163. First line tx for gout is indomethacin 50mg tid for 2 days …………....


Instituition / Term
Term Fall 2018
Institution Chamberlain
Contributor K. Lauren

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