NR 601 Week 6 Possible Questions and Answers

  • NR 601 Week 6 Possible Questions and Answers
  • $39.00

Institution Chamberlain
Contributor K. Lauren
  1. Question: Mr. Smith wants to start Metformin. What side effects should we inform mr. smith that he may experience?
  2. Question: Mr. Smith has an eGFR of 32. Can he take Metformin?
  3. Question: Mr. Smith is overweight. He asks if Metformin will help with his weight or make it worse?
  4. Question: Ms. Jones has ASCVD and needs another diabetic medicine added to her regimen. Which medicine is best?
  5. Question: Ms. Jones wants to know what the side effects of canagliflozin are?
  6. Question: Ms. Jones has decided that canagliflozin is not for her. She is now interested in knowing about empagliflozin, but her eGFR is 35. Is she a candidate for empagliflozin?
  7. Question: Ms. Jones believes she will take liraglutide. What does patient education consist of?
  8. Question: Mr. Wrigley has CHF. What diabetic medications are most beneficial for his CHF?
  9. Question: Which medicines have potential or increased risk in CHF?
  10. Question: What meds can cause hypoglycemia?
  11. Question: Sulfonylureas have an increased risk of ____.
  12. Question: ____ is not recommended with eGFR < 45.
  13. Question: What class is Metformin considered?
  14. Question: what letters indicate sulfonylurea drugs? what are some examples of sulfonylurea drugs?
  15. Question: what letters indicate TZD's? Some examples?
  16. Question: What are the alpha-glucosidase inhibitors?
  17. Question: What letters indicate GLP-1 receptor agonists? Some Examples?
  18. Question: what letters indicate DPP-4 inhibitors?
  19. Question: SGLT2 Inhibitors can be identified by what letters? Examples?
  20. Mr. Raynier has just been diagnosed with T2DM. In addition to lifestyle management, what medication should he be placed on at diagnosis?
  21. Question: Mr. Raynier wants to know how Metformin will help him? What is the appropriate response?
  22. Question: What is a rare, but serious side effect of Metformin? And who may it occur in?
  23. Question: What can occur after many years of Metformin use?
  24. Question: What are the risk factors/considerations involved with the TZD drugs (pioglitazone, Rosiglitazone)
  25. Question: Mrs. Henry is in the early stages of DKD? What drugs may have a beneficial effect on the progression of DKD?
  26. Question: Mrs. Henry's eGFR is 28. Is she a candidate for empagliflozin therapy? what about canagliflozin?
  27. Question: Which drugs have an increased risk of bone fractures?
  28. Question: Which drugs have an increased risk of acute pancreatitis?
  29. Question: Metformin is contraindicated when eGFR is below 30 ml/min.


Kennedy Malone Chap 5

  1. Question: Overflow incontinence is usually associated with:


Kennedy Malone Chap 11

  1. Question: Which ethnic group has the highest incidence of prostate cancer?
  2. Question: Men w/an initial PSA level <2.5ng/mL can reduce their screening frequency to what intervals?
  3. Question: All of the following may be reasons associated w/an elevated PSA besides prostate cancer except:
  4. Question: In the dx of acute bacterial prostatitis, a midstream urine cx is of benefit. To be diagnostic, the specimen should reveal how many WBCs per high-power field?
  5. Question: In chronic bacterial prostatitis, what is the organism most commonly associated with the dz?
  6. Question: In acute prostatitis, an exam of the prostate may find the gland to be:
  7. Question: All of the following antimicrobials may be indicated in chronic bacterial prostatitis except:
  8. Question: Age-related changes in the bladder, urethra, and ureters include all of the following in older women except:
  9. Question: Mr. Jones is a 68yo retired Air Force pilot that has been dx'd w/prostate ca in the past week. He has never had surgery and seeks clarification on the availability of tx's for prostate ca. He asks the NP to tell him the SE of radical prostatectomy. Which of the following is NOT a potential SE of this procedure?
  10. Question: The NP is evaluating a pt's pelvic muscle strength by digital exam. This is performed when:
  11. Question: A pelvic mass in a postmenopausal woman:
  12. Question: A 79yo man is being eval'd for frequent urinary dribbling w/out burning. Physical exam reveals a smooth but slightly enlarged prostate. His PSA level is 3.3. The pt undergoes formal urodynamic ...... 225mL, and slightly decreased urinary flow rate. Which of the following is not consistent with normal age-associated change?
  13. Question: Mrs. Smith, a 65yo, presents to the clinic for the first time and c/o urinary incontinence and dyspareunia. She went through menopause 10yrs ago w/out any hormone replacement therapy and had a hysterectomy ....... replacement therapy. Which of the following evals would be necessary prior to initiating HRT?
  14. Question: Mrs. Billings is a 77yo Caucasian who has h/o breast ca. She has been in remission for 6yrs. As her PCP, you ..... brief hx above, what will you direct your assessment at during physical exam?
  15. Question: A 78yo female comes to the office because she has pain when she urinates. She has been seen 3 times for this problem in the last 3mo. Each times ....... epithelial cells, neg nitrites, negative leuk esterase. Which of the following should be done next?



Instituition / Term
Term Fall 2018
Institution Chamberlain
Contributor K. Lauren

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