NR 601 Week 4 Midterm Review Week 1 - 4 Content (Summer 2020)

  • NR 601 Week 4 Midterm Review Week 1 - 4 Content (Summer 2020)
  • $25.00

Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Chantara
  1. Developmental changes

o Review Kennedy readings for age related changes

o Physiological:

reduced physiological reserve of most body systems, particularly cardiac, respiratory, and renal.

Second, there are reduced homeostatic mechanisms that fail to adjust regulatory systems such as temperature control and fluid and electrolyte balance.

Third, there are the changes in the sympathetic response, which contribute to orthostasis and falls, as well as lack of hypoglycemic response.

Fourth, there is impaired immunological function: infection risk is greater and autoimmune diseases are more prevalent.

o Lab results

Factors can influence laboratory value interpretation in the older adult, including the physiological changes with aging, the prevalence of chronic disease, changes in nutritional and fluid intake, lifestyle (including activity), and the medications taken (Dharmarajan & Pitchumoni, 2012).

o Atypical disease presentations

The advanced practice nurse is well advised to never attribute something to normal aging without doing a careful and methodical search for a treatable condition. The failure to develop an elevated temperature or fever with an underlying infectious process differs greatly from presentation of illness in a younger patient. The patient with depression may not present with a dysphoric mood but rather agitation and psychotic features. The older adult may present with cardiac manifestations of undiagnosed thyroid disease (Amella, 2004). Additional illustrative examples include jaundice, which is suggestive of viral hepatitis in younger individuals but may represent gallbladder disease or a malignancy in the older adult, and delusions or hallucinations, which are suggestive of bipolar disorder in younger individuals but may represent dementia or medication side effects in the older adult (Williams, 2008).........continue



Instituition / Term
Term Summer 2020
Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Chantara

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