NR 601 Week 1-2 Possible Questions on Test Week 2 (Kennedy-Malone Chapter Questions)

  • NR 601 Week 1-2 Possible Questions on Test Week 2 (Kennedy-Malone Chapter Questions)
  • $25.00

Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Tim Johnson
  1. Question: The major impact of the physiological changes that occur with aging is:
  2. Question: The strongest evidence regarding normal physiological aging is available through:
  3. Question: All of the following statements are true about laboratory values in older adults except:
  4. Question: Biochemical individuality is best described as
  5. Question: Polypharmacy is best described as taking:
  6. Question: Pharmacokinetic changes with aging is reflective of:
  7. Question: All the following statements are false about drug absorption except:
  8. Question: All of the following statements are true about drug distribution in the:
  9. Question: Men have faster and more efficient biotransformation of drugs and this is thought to be due to:
  10. Question: The cytochrome p system involves enzymes that are generally: c
  11. Question: A statement not shown to be true about pharmacodynamics changes with:
  12. Question: Atypical presentation of disease in the elderly is reflected by all the following except:
  13. Question: Functional abilities are best assessed by:


Chapter 3


  1. Question: Exercise recommended for older adults should include activities that:
  2. Question: Preferred amount of exercise for older adults is
  3. Question: Which of the following medical conditions is not considered restrictive for engaging in physical activity?
  4. Question: The best recommendation for a patient who states they have no equipment to exercise would be:
  5. Question: When the nurse practitioner recommends exercise for a sedentary older adult, which of the following pieces of advice should be considered for all types of exercise?


CH 8 for week 1 and 2 readings


  1. Question: In mitral stenosis, p waves may suggest:
  2. Question: Aortic regurgitation requires medical treatment for early signs of CHF
  3. Question: A key symptom of ischemic heart disease is chest pain. However, angina equivalents may include exertional dyspnea. Angina equivalents are important because:
  4. Question: The best evidence rating drugs to consider in a post myocardial infarction patient include:
  5. Question: A 55-year-old post-menopausal woman with a history of hypertension complains of jaw pain on heavy exertion. There were no complaints of chest pain. Her ECG indicates normal sinus rhythm without ST segment abnormalities. Your plan may include:
  6. Question: Preceding a stress test, the following lab work might include:
  7. Question: Which test is the clinical standard for the assessment of aortic stenosis?
  8. Question: What is the most common valvular heart disease in the older adult?
  9. Question: On examination, what type of murmur can be auscultated with aortic regurgitation?
  10. Question: Ischemic heart disease is:
  11. Question: Which test is the clinical standard for the assessment of aortic stenosis?
  12. Question: The aging process causes what normal physiological changes in the heart?
  13. Question: An older adult may present with atypical clinical signs of pneumonia. The nurse practitioner needs to be aware that the clustering of all of the following signs and symptoms may be indicative of pneumonia in an older person except:
  14. Question: Which of the following statements is true concerning anti-arrhythmic drugs?
  15. Question: Dan G., a 65-year-old man, presents to your primary care office for the evaluation of chest pain and left-sided shoulder pain. Pain begins after strenuous activity, including walking. Pain is characterized as dull, aching; 8/10 during activity, otherwise 0/10. Began a few months ago, intermittent, aggravated by exercise, and relieved by rest. Has occasional nausea. Pain is retrosternal, radiating to left shoulder, definitely affects quality of life by limiting activity. Pain is worse today; did not go away after he stopped walking. BP 120/80. Pulse 72 and regular. Normal heart sounds, S1 and S2, no murmurs. Which of the following differential diagnoses would be most likely?
  16. Question: Jose M. is a 68-year-old man who presents to your primary care practice for a physical. Jose has had type 2 diabetes mellitus for 5 years, diet controlled. His BMI is 32. Smoker,  pack per day for 25 years. He denies other medical problems. Family history includes CAD, CABG x4 for father, now deceased; CHF, type 2 diabetes mellitus, HT for mother. According to the AHA/ACC guidelines, what stage is Jose?
  17. Question: Susan P., a 60-year-old woman with a 30 pack year history, presents to your primary care practice for evaluation of a persistent, daily cough with increased sputum production, worse in the morning, occurring over the past three months. She tells you, “I have the same thing, year after year.” Which of the following choices would you consider strongly in your critical thinking process?
  18. Question: The best way to diagnose structural heart disease/dysfunction non-invasively is:
  19. Question: A common auscultatory finding in advanced CHF is:
  20. Question: The organism most commonly responsible for community-acquired pneumonia in older adults is:
  21. Question: A 72-year-old woman and her husband are on a cross-country driving vacation. After a long day of driving, they stop for dinner. Midway through the meal, the woman becomes very short of breath, with chest pain and a feeling of panic. Which of the following problems is most likely?


CH 5 ( chest only)


  1. Question: The term “geriatric syndrome” is best described as:
  2. Question: The anal wink reflex is used to test:
  3. Question: Atypical presentation of acute coronary syndrome is:
  4. Question: What disease can mimic and often co-exists with myocardial infarctions in elders with coronary artery disease?
  5. Question: Thoracic aortic dissection presents typically as:
  6. Question: Medications known to contribute to constipation include all of the following except:
  7. Question: Bordetella pertussis is best characterized by:
  8. Question: The routine testing of tuberculosis should occur in all of the following vulnerable populations except:
  9. Question: Which of the following statements about fluid balance in the elderly is
  10. Question: Distinguishing delirium from dementia can be problematic since they may co-exist. The primary consideration in the differential is:
  11. Question: Presbystasis is best described as:
  12. Question: If dizziness has a predictable pattern associated with it, the clinician should first consider:
  13. Question: All of the following are considered as contributors to dysphagia except:
  14. Question: Evidence shows that the most important predictor of a fall is:
  15. Question: The most cost-effective interventions used to prevent falls are:
  16. Question: Chronic fatigue syndrome is best described as:
  17. Question: Which form of headache is bilateral?
  18. Question: Microscopic hematuria is defined as:
  19. Question: Risk factors associated with the finding of a malignancy in a patient with hemoptysis include all of the following except:
  20. Question: Recent weight loss is defined as:
  21. Question: The most common cause of disability in the elderly is due to:
  22. Question: Lymph edema is best described as:
  23. Question: Drug-induced pruritus is distinguished because it:
  24. Question: A form of syncope that is more common in the elderly than younger adults
  25. Question: All of the following statements about tremor are true except:
  26. Question: Overflow incontinence is usually associated with
  27. Question: Wandering is best described as:



Instituition / Term
Term Summer 2019
Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Tim Johnson

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