NR 565 Week 7, Week 8 Exam Final Study Guide

  • NR 565 Week 7, Week 8 Exam Final Study Guide
  • $29.00

Institution NR 565 Advanced Pharmacology Fundamentals
Contributor Nicole Albritton
  • Antacids: weak bases that react with hydrochloric acid to form salt & water.
    • Used in the treatment of Hyperacidity, GERD, PUD, hyperphosphatemia, and calcium deficiency
    • Contain combinations of
      • metallic cation (aluminum, calcium, magnesium, and sodium)
      • and basic anion (hydroxide, bicarbonate, carbonate, citrate, and trisilicate)
    • Antidiarrheals: .... continue
    • Cytoprotective Agents: .... continue
    • Antiemetics: .... continue
    • Histamine-2 receptor antagonists: .... continue
    • Proton pump inhibitors (PPI’s): .... continue
    • Laxatives .... continue
    • GERD (Treatment, dosing, and patient education) .... continue


Instituition / Term
Term September 2020
Institution NR 565 Advanced Pharmacology Fundamentals
Contributor Nicole Albritton

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