NR 565 Week 5 Assignment; Endocrine System Case Study (Score; 100 out of 100)

  • NR 565 Week 5 Assignment; Endocrine System Case Study (Score; 100 out of 100)
  • $45.00

Institution NR 565 Advanced Pharmacology Fundamentals
Contributor Lilian
  1. Question: I understand the value of doing my own work and learning this skill to support my future independent practice as a nurse practitioner. I understand that while there may be opportunities beyond my faculty’s control to collaborate or share answers with peers, that it would not benefit my own personal and professional growth to do so. I agree to do my own work and take personal responsibility for my learning.
  2. Question: Use the John Jones case study to answer the following question. Which glucose level equates with a Hgb A1C of 8.1%?
  3. Question: Use the John Jones case study to answer the following question. John calls the office and reports that he is scheduled for diagnostic testing that requires IV contrast for imaging. He inquires if there are concerns with undergoing this procedure while taking his medications. What instructions should be given to John regarding his metformin regimen?
  4. Question: Use the John Jones case study to answer the following question. Using the ADA Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes-2020, which of the following medications should be prescribed for John?
  5. Question: Use the John Jones case study to answer the following question. What is the recommended interval for monitoring John’s HgbA1C?
  6. Question: Use the John Jones case study to answer the following question. Which of the following lab test should be evaluated before prescribing metformin?
  7. Question: Use the John Jones case study to answer the following question. Which of John’s behaviors should be addressed to encourage lifestyle changes and decrease A1C levels? Select all that apply.
  8. Question: Use the John Jones case study to answer the following question. Which behavior in John’s social history poses a potential concern with initiating metformin?
  9. Question: Use the John Jones case study to answer the following question. Metformin works by decreasing and
  10. Question:  John’s triglycerides are 260 mg/dl and his HDL is 35mg/dl. Referring to the ADA Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes-2020, what is the correct action to take at this time?
  11. Question: Use the John Jones case study to answer the following question. Which of the following statements best describes John’s status?
  12. Question: Use the Alfonso Giuliani case study to answer the following question.
  13. Question: Identify GLP-1 agents in the list below. Select all that apply.
  14. Question: Use the Alfonso Giuliani case study to answer the following question. Which statin agents and dosages are consistent with the statin therapy intensity Alfonso needs? Select all that apply.
  15. Question: Use the Alfonso Giuliani case study to answer the following question. Alfonso should be started on statin therapy to address his high total cholesterol and low HDL.
  16. Question: Which of the following types of statin therapy should be started for Alonso?
  17. Question: Which of the following complications may be caused by GLP-1
  18. Question: Use the Alfonso Giuliani case study to answer the following question.

Which lab test is necessary to evaluate before prescribing a sodium/glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitor (SGLT2i)?

  1. Question: Identify SGLT2i agents in the list below. Select all that apply.
  2. Question: Use the Alfonso Giuliani case study to answer the following question.

 Considering Alfonso’s ASCVD risk score, which of the following diabetic drug classes should be considered in addition to metformin?

  1. Question: Use the ASCVD Risk Estimator-Plus calculator (!/calculate/estimate/) to estimate Alfonso’s ASCVD Risk score. Which of the following scores is his ASCVD Risk score?
  2. Question: Use the Alfonso Giuliani case study to answer the following question. Which of the following benefits from GLP-1 therapy are helpful to Alfonso? Select all that apply.
  3. Question: Use the Helen Smith case study to answer the following question. Which of the following is the recommended initial dose of levothyroxine for the general population?
  4. Question: There is still one important issue to address with Helen today. Which of the following concerns requires addressing?
  5. Question: Which of the following agents should be prescribed for Helen? (Independent searching may be required to find the answer to this question)
  6. Question: Which of the following lab values require consideration for possible treatment?
  7. Question: Why is caution indicated if metformin was prescribed for Helen?
  8. Question: Which DM drug class is contraindicated in patients with heart failure?
  9. Question: Helen’s has abnormal thyroid values:TSH 24 mU/L Free T4 0.2 ng/dl

What condition do these tests indicate?

  1. Question: Medication lists should always be reviewed for evidence-based prescribing practices. Helen is taking Naproxen 500 mg PO every 12 hours. What is the maximum dose of Naproxen per day (for 6 months)?
  2. Question: What are the Black Box Warnings associated with NSAIDs? Select all that apply.
  3. Question: Which of the following drug classes should be prescribed for Helen?
  4. Question: If the standard starting dose of levothyroxine 1.6 mcg/kg/dose is prescribed for Helen, what is the correct dose?
  5. Question: Which of the following criteria support’s Helen’s diagnosis of DM? (Select all that apply)
  6. Question: What is the daily maximum dose of levothyroxine?
  7. Question: Which of the following medical conditions will determine Helen’s diabetes treatment regimen?
  8. Question: Which medication should be prescribed for Helen to address her thyroid levels?
  9. Question: A single mom who makes minimum wage and struggles financially needs an additional diabetic medication after experiencing minimal A1C improvement with metformin. Which of the following DM drugs is appropriate? Select all that apply.
  10. Question: A diabetic construction worker is seen for follow-up care. He has been taking metformin 1000mg PO twice daily for the last 3 months and his A1C is 8.7. Which section of the Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes—2020 best describes his treatment plan?
  11. Question: Which of the following hypertension drug classes are NOT recommended for the primary prevention of chronic kidney disease in patients who have diabetes with normal blood pressure and GFR? (Select all that apply)
  12. Question: According to the ADA Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes-2020, what are the goals of care for diabetes? Select all that apply.
  13. Question: Which of the following agents are recommended when hypoglycemia is a concern? Select all that apply,
  14. Question: Which of the following diabetic drug classes should be prescribed with metformin for a patient with a BMI of 52? Select all that apply.
  15. Question: Which classes of oral diabetic drugs carry a higher risk for hypoglycemia? (Select all that apply)
  16. Question: In youth who are overweight or obese and have a new onset of diabetes with an A1C>8.5%, how much basal insulin is recommended?
  17. Question: Match the A1C testing recommendations to the correct patient.
  18. Question: Exercise is recommended for all youth with type 1 diabetes with the goal of min of moderate-to-vigorous intensity aerobic activity daily, with vigorous muscle-strengthening and bone-strengthening activities at least days per week.
  19. Question: Which of the following is the preferred medication for treating hyperglycemia in gestational diabetes?
  20. Question: Which of the following DM drug class has a warning that it can cause severe and disabling joint pain at any point in time during treatment?
  21. Question: Which of the following exams is important for diabetics and requires a referral?
  22. Question: When considering older adults in the treatment and management of diabetes, what special considerations apply? Select all that apply.


Instituition / Term
Term Year 2022
Institution NR 565 Advanced Pharmacology Fundamentals
Contributor Lilian

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