NR 543 Week 6 Assignment; Usability Assessment of the Provider List in CPRS

  • NR 543 Week 6 Assignment; Usability Assessment of the Provider List in CPRS
  • $15.00

Term Year 2022
Institution NR 543 Information Workflow in Healthcare
Contributor Rachel Clore

As the INS responsible for the implementation of a new electronic health record at your facility what strategies would you employ to ensure a smooth and successful process?


To successfully implement a new system, there must be a solid and detailed plan created first. Assembling a strong and diverse implementation team will help to ensure a smooth and successful process. The informatics nurse specialist (INS) responsible for implementation is an essential member of the team and will play a vital role in the development of such plan. As stated by Priestman, et al., (2018), strong organizational support with a visible execu


Instituition / Term
Term Year 2022
Institution NR 543 Information Workflow in Healthcare
Contributor Rachel Clore

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