NR 536 Week 7 Assignment; Designing an Experiential Learning Activity

  • NR 536 Week 7 Assignment; Designing an Experiential Learning Activity
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Institution NR 536 Advanced Pathophysiology, Health Assessment, and Pharmacology for Nurse Educators
Contributor Mary Elizabeth


This assignment provides a scenario that the students will use as the foundation for the design of an experiential learning activity that will emphasize interprofessional communication, ethics, and civility in the clinical setting. Focusing on their future practice setting of either academic or professional development, the student can select the level of student for this learning activity. Application of principles learned from previous weeks in this course is expected.  



Description of the Assignment

This assignment presents a scenario that the student uses as the starting point to design an experiential learning activity for use in the clinical setting with academic nursing students or professional staff development. Learner objectives and other foundational information regarding the learning activity are required as Part 1.  Following the foundational information needed for Part 1, the student completes the following parts.

  • Part 2: Development of an experiential learning activity using one of the following types
    • Evolving case study for use in a clinical setting
    • Simulation with HPS mannequins
    • Virtual reality (i.e., Second Life)
  • Part 3: Development of Socratic questions for use during debriefing  

The activity is to be described in detail by including the characters, roles, and dialogue occurring between the characters. The student can suggest an alternative experiential learning activity, but it must focus on clinical rather than classroom learning. Faculty approval of the alternative is required.  

Conversation used as the starting point for the assignment follows.

Conversation participants:

Healthcare Provider (HCP): Female, ~ 50 years old, could be an MD, DO, APN, or PA

Registered Nurse (RN): Male, ~ 35 years old, has been an RN for over 10 years; on this floor for the last 8 years, charge nurse for the night shift of 7 p.m. to 7 a.m.

You: You are a nurse educator either in the academic setting working with nursing students OR in the practice setting working with professional staff development.  Currently, you are completing a task in the nurses’ station and overhear the following conversation.    

Overheard conversation:

HCP: I want to talk to you about Ms. J, the lady down the hall who has terminal pancreatic cancer.

RN: How can I help you? She has been so discouraged since chemotherapy was stopped yesterday. I gave her some information about alternatives to chemo.

HCP: (raising her voice) YOU admit it! Since when do you, an RN, prescribe medical treatments for my patients? I can have your license for this!

RN: I did NOT prescribe anything. I just provided information about …

HCP: And JUST how do YOU know if the treatment you prescribed would work for her?

RN: (in a loud voice) Just listen to ME!!! You are not listening to me! I DIDN’T

 prescribe anything! I just suggested …


HCP: Will YOU just keep your suggestions to yourself next time? Listen, I want to do what is best for my patients, and it is a terrible thing that someone so young to be as good as dead. And another thing, how can anyone take you seriously as a professional with those tattoos? Why don’t you …

At this point in the interchange you (the educator) have finished your work and leave the nurses’ station.


Criteria for Content

Based upon the overheard conversation noted above, you, the nurse educator, decide to use the interchange as the foundation for a learning activity for your learners in order to teach the following.

  • Interprofessional communication based upon both participants’ dialogue
  • Ethics based upon the nurse’s action
  • Civility based upon both participants’ dialogue

Based upon this information, you are required to develop an experiential learning activity for the learner based upon the setting you have selected. The learning activity must be focused on the experiential learning setting (i.e., academic or mentoring program for new graduates) and not in the classroom. You may select from the following experiential learning activities.

  • Evolving case study to be used in post-conference
  • Simulation with HPS mannequins
  • Virtual reality (i.e., Second Life)
  • Other experiential learning activity as approved by faculty member  

Part 1: Foundation for the learning activity. In this section, the focus is on explaining the selected experiential learning activity. The required information includes the following.

  • Description of the selected experiential learning activity
  • Identification of the learner
  • Identification of learning objectives consistent with level of learner
  • Explanation on how the identified learning activity fosters active learning

Part 2: Presentation of the learning activity

  • Description of the setting for the learning activity
  • Identification of the characters and roles to be presented
  • Provide an outline of the scenario that demonstrates progression
  • Identify interactions (i.e., dialogue) between the characters that demonstrate
    • interprofessional communication;
    • ethics; and
    • civility.
  • Part 3: Debriefing

  • Explain the role of debriefing with experiential learning activities
  • Explain how debriefing of selected learners will occur
  • Identify three Socratic questions that would be asked during the debriefing

An introduction to the student’s assignment and conclusion are required.

Preparing the Assignment

Criteria for Format and Special Instructions

  1. The assignment should not exceed 8 pages in length excluding the title page and reference page.
  2. References regarding the selected experiential learning activity are required.
  3. Expectations regarding graduate level include all the following elements.
    1. Correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation
    2. Exceptional writing style with clarity, flow, and organization of information throughout the paper
    3. Congruence with APA mechanics of style
    4. APA format for citing and referencing sources
  4. Introduction to the assignment is present.
  5. Conclusion to the assignment is present.
  6. References for the selected experiential learning activity are required.


Instituition / Term
Term Fall 2020
Institution NR 536 Advanced Pathophysiology, Health Assessment, and Pharmacology for Nurse Educators
Contributor Mary Elizabeth

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