NR 511 Week 8 Final Exam Study Guide: Spring Session

  • NR 511 Week 8 Final Exam Study Guide: Spring Session
  • $39.00

Term Spring Session
Institution Chamberlain
Contributor James

Week 5

  1. Question: Identify the population most commonly affected by bacterial prostatitis:
  2. Question: Discuss the physical exam characteristics of acute bacterial prostatitis:
  3. Question: Discuss how the Phren sign can differentiate between testicular torsion and epididymitis:
  4. Question: Discuss common symptoms reported from a patient with BPH:
  5. Question: Discuss the hallmark characteristic of a varicocele:
  6. Question: Identify the population most affected by testicular cancer:
  7. Question: Explain spinal stenosis:
  8. Question: Discuss common characteristics (subjective and objective findings) of patients with lumbar spinal stenosis:
  9. Question: Identify the red flags associated with back and neck complaints which warrant further investigation:
  10. Question: Define chronic pain:
  11. Question: Identify the number of joints involved in a poly-articular disorder:
  12. Question: Describe the four cardinal signs of joint inflammation
  13. Question: Differentiate between DeQuervain’s Tenosynovitis and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:
  14. Question: Differentiate between lateral and medial epicondylitis:
  15. Question: Medial epicondylitis (Golfer’s Elbow)
  16. Question: Lateral epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow)
  17. Question: Discuss at least 3 vital body functions which thyroid hormones regulate
  18. Question: Describe a goiter and the type of thyroid dysfunction that can be associated with:
  19. Question: Differentiate between overt hypothyroidism and subclinical hypothyroidism:
  20. Question: Differentiate between Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and Graves disease:
  21. Question: Identify at least 3 risks associated with obesity:
  22. Question: Identify at least 3 causes of obesity:
  23. Question: Discuss one primary prevention for obesity:
  24. Question: Identify the categories of obesity based on the BMI: weight in kg/ht
  25. Question: Discuss how acute low back pain without neurological dysfunction does not warrant radiological imaging:
  26. Question: Identify the roles of TSH, FT4, TT3, and TPO Abs in determining thyroid function:
  27. Question: Identify at least one “at-risk” population who should be considered for thyroid screening:
  28. Question: Discuss one physical characteristic seen in a hyperthyroid patient:
  29. Question: Identify the CDC recommended antibiotic class for treatment of acute bacterial prostatitis:
  30. Question: Identify at least one treatment for BPH
  31. Question: Identify treatment options for obesity based on BMI and comorbid conditions:
  32. Question: Describe the Spurling test and what condition it is used to diagnose:
  33. Question: Describe how to perform a Phalen and Tinnel test:
  34. Question: Identify at least 3 physical exam maneuvers to assess the knee:


Week 6

  1. Question: Differentiate between resting, postural and intention tremors and describe each:
  2. Question: Describe one disease with resting tremor as a clinical finding:
  3. Question: Describe a medication commonly associated with tremors:
  4. Question: Identify at least 3 laboratory tests to rule out systemic causes of tremor:
  5. Question: Describe at least one at-risk population that is recommended to have HIV screening:
  6. Question: Describe at least one pharmacologic treatment option for tremor:
  7. Question: Describe an appropriate empiric antibiotic treatment plan for cellulitis:
  8. Question: Identify physical exam findings in the patient with HIV:
  9. Question: Discuss an intervention to prevent HIV and HIV-associated behaviors
  10. Question: Describe symptoms, DDx, pathogens, testing, and treatment for the following conditions: 
  • Cellulitis
  • Erysipelas  
  • Impetigo
  • MRSA
  • Bites (dogs, cats, humans):
  • Erysipelas..

My Summaries from Videos: Acute pyelonephritis, Nephrolithiasis (kidney stone), cystitis (bladder infection), Hypospadias and dpispadias


Thyroid Quiz

  1. Question: To determine whether the patient has normal thyroid function, the initial test should be _____.
  2. Question: Your patient is symptomatic with complains of fatigue, weight gain, constipation, and hair loss. The patient’s labs return with a TSH of 7 and a normal FT4. Without considering a patients weight (she refuses to get on the scale today), what dose of medication would you chose based on the lab values?
  3. Question: A 70-year-old patient presents with a complaint of difficulty swallowing, tachycardia, sweating, and unintentional weight loss. Upon physical exam, the patient is found to have an enlarged thyroid that has an abnormal contour. Without any further testing, what diagnosis would you say is the most likely?

Male GU Quiz

  1. Question: Acute bacterial prostatitis is most common in men, ages 30 to 50 years of age and who are sexually active
  2. Question: When performing a DRE, you will note a warm, tense, swollen, boggy, and very tender prostate with _____ prostatitis.
  3. Question: Current CDC guidelines recommend which class of medications to treat Acute Bacterial Prostatitis for 14 to 28 days?
  4. Question: A negative Prehn sign indicates epididymitis?
  5. Question: For the patient diagnosed with epididymitis, the recommended treatment is:
  6. Question: An example of an obstructive voiding complaint with BPH is post-void dribbling.
  7. Question: Alpha-1a blockers provide some relief for BPH symptoms by relaxing the smooth muscle around the neck of the bladder.

Musculoskeletal Quiz

  1. Question: Chronic pain affects the mood/psychological status and lasts longer than 3 months in duration
  2. Question: Nonarticular disorders are described as either focal or widespread.
  3. Question: The four cardinal signs of joint inflammation are erythema, warmth, pain, and bruising.
  4. Question: How many joints are involved in a polyarticular disorder?
  5. Question: De Quervain’s tenosynovitis can be confirmed with which of the following maneuvers?

Spine Lecture Quiz

  1. Question: A useful maneuver test to confirm a cervical spine sprain/pain is:
  2. Question: Acute low back pain does not warrant radiographic imaging unless there is evidence of neurological dysfunction.
  3. Question: The preferred imaging to determine the degree of spinal canal narrowing and facet arthroplasty resulting in nerve impingement is what?
  4. Question: Which of the following is not a maneuver test to assess for lumbosacral pain?
  5. Question: Cauda equina syndrome should prompt a yellow flag for the provider.



Instituition / Term
Term Spring Session
Institution Chamberlain
Contributor James

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