xNR 511 Test Bank Answers

  • xNR 511 Test Bank Answers
  • $99.00

Term Fall 2018
Institution Chamberlain
Contributor James

Lightning Round Review # 2


  1. Question: How many sets of Kegels should be done each day to help with urinary incontinence?
  2. Question: What is the first line treatment for allergic rhinitis?
  3. Question: What is the term used for the loss of high-pitched tones in geriatrics?
  4. Question: What type of hearing loss does cerumen impaction cause?
  5. Question: You see an older woman bending over leaving on her shopping cart at the grocery store. What is the likely diagnosis?
  6. Question: Multiple myeloma is disease of what?
  7. Question: What test in the office can you use to help diagnose sciatica?
  8. Question: I have heel pain that is worse in the morning. What is my likely diagnosis?
  9. Question: The Lachman test is used to help diagnose what?
  10. Question: Other tests for acl include
  11. Question: What is the treatment for gout and what would be the medication instructions for a flare?
  12. Question: What is a sign of colchicine toxicity?
  13. Question: What is a common cause of posterior knee pain?
  14. Question: Cotton wool spots, neovascularization and microaneurysms are all Eye exam findings in what condition?
  15. Question: And what about AV nicking and what it is?
  16. Question: What is the treatment for bacterial sinusitis?
  17. Im tired, have a sore throat and swollen posterior cervical nodes on exam. What is the likely diagnosis?  
  18. Question: Recall that swollen ANTERIOR cervical nodes are seen in
  19. Question: What is a common side effect of Pyridium, an anti-spasmodic for dysuria?
  20. Question: What would be included in your list of differentials for hematuria?
  21. Question: What is the medication treatment for MRSA?
  22. Question: What are some symptoms a patient with lupus would complain of?
  23. Question: And what is the lab that you would order it to confirm it?
  24. Question: What is the term used to describe dry, itching skin?
  25. Question: What is the most common kind of skin cancer?
  26. Question: What medication is used to treat a cat or dog bite?
  27. Question: What do you think of when you hear a bright beefy red rash and what is the treatment?
  28. Question: How would you describe the prostate in BPH?
  29. Question: A1C> what is considered T2DM? >6.5%
  30. Question: My A1C is >10, what would be the medication of choice?
  31. Question: Hypothyroidism is most common in what population?
  32. Question: Your pediatric pt has bloody discharge in his ear, what’s the likely dx?
  33. Question: Your patient presents with a burn and blisters are present. What degree burn is this?
  34. Question: What is the treatment for pertussis?
  35. Question: What bug causes the greatest mortality in community acquired pneumonia?
  36. Question: What would be seen on xray of a pt with TB?
  37. Question: Most common side effect of long-term inhaled corticosteroid use?
  38. Question: S3 heart sound is a sign of what?
  39. Question: What medication do use to treat a fib?
  40. Question: What is pulsus paradoxus?
  41. Question: The upcoming July 4th holiday reminds you of what diagnosis?
  42. Question: Someone with high triglyceride levels is at increased risk of what?
  43. Question: Subclinical hypothyroidism is described as what lab readings?
  44. Question: A positive Markle test is significant of what?
  45. Question: What differentials do you think of in someone with left upper quadrant pain?
  46. Question: What about left lower quadrant?
  47. Question: A positive Murphy’s sign is indicative of what?
  48. Question: What diagnostic test would you order if this were positive?
  49. Question: What is the first line treatment for GERD?
  50. Question: I was going to go over hepatitis B markers but I think it’s harder to say that out loud versus seeing it on paper so going to skip that but of course remember to review those for the exam too!
  51. Question: What diagnostic test should be done for suspicion of appendicitis?
  52. Question: What is the confirmatory test for HIV? Per Leik 3rd edition,
  53. Question: What is the treatment for syphilis?
  54. Question: And what are some presenting features of syphilis?
  55. Question: Gonorrhea treatment?
  56. Question: Cervicitis is seen in which diagnoses?
  57. Question: I am a healthy 63-year-old patient, what is my goal BP according to JNC 8?
  58. Question: What should we keep in mind when prescribing for the elderly population?
  59. Question: A low HDL and high trig level always means what?
  60. Question: The S1 is the closure of which valves?
  61. Question: On exam you feel a weakened peripheral pulse, what diagnosis do you think of?
  62. Question: An absent red reflex is indicative of what?
  63. Question: During an eye exam you note absent venous pulsations, what is this related to?
  64. Question: The Dix Hallpike maneuver is used to test for what condition?
  65. Question: What is the most well-known medication treatment for Vertigo?
  66. Question: What medication is prescribed for essential tremors?
  67. Question: A young adult patient states that she is experiencing episodes of vision loss and abnormal limb sensations. What would be at the top of your list of differentials?
  68. Question: When assessing a patient for dementia, what is the FIRST and best thing you should do?
  69. Question: Name a difference between dementia and delirium?
  70. Question: What is the MAIN cause of delirium?
  71. Question: Cranial Nerves review (just going over the MAIN ones I’ve seen in reviews/questions for the exam)
  72. Question: UTI treatment?
  73. Question: What about UTI in a pregnant pt?
  74. Question: Anxiety…which meds to use for situational?
  75. Question: What about OCD?
  76. Question: Which population has the highest suicide rate?
  77. Question: What symptom is specific to the geriatric population when you think of UTIs?
  78. Question: PNA in Geri’s, how do they present?
  79. Question: What is the difference between sensitivity and specificity?
  80. Question: What vitamin deficiency can alcohol lead to?
  81. Question: MMSE, what score indicates dementia?
  82. Question: 10mm+ for PPD is needed for continued investigation of TB for what two populations?
  83. Question: What food is advised to try first in infants 4-6 months of age?
  84. Question: What degree of curvature in scoliosis should warrant bracing?
  85. Question: Tanner staging, anyone need a refresher on this?
  86. Question: What is the leading cause of death in children?
  87. Question: What sound during the Ortolani maneuver is a positive finding and signifies a possible hip abnormality (hip dysplasia) in infants?
  88. Question: A newborn's mother is discovered to be HBsAg (hepatitis B surface antigen) positive. Which of the following would you recommend for this infant?
  89. Question: Which method is used to diagnose gonorrheal pharyngitis or proctitis?
  90. Question: What is the treatment for a medial tibial stress fracture (aka “shin splints”)?


Chapter 3. Health Promotion

Multiple Choice

Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

  1.  Question: Which of the following is a primary prevention measure for a 76-year-old man newly diagnosed with a testosterone deficiency?


Calcium supplementation


Testicular self-examination


Bone density test


Digital rectal examination


  1.  Question: Which of the following is an example of secondary prevention in a 50-year-old woman?
    1. Yearly mammogram
    1. Low animal fat diet
    1. Use of seat belt
    1. Daily application of sunscreen
  2.  Question: Which of the following is an example of tertiary prevention in a patient with chronic renal failure?
    1. Fluid restriction
    1. Hemodialysis 4 days a week
    1. High-protein diet
    1. Maintenance of blood pressure at 120/80
  3. Question: Immunizations are an example of which type of prevention?
    1. Primary
    1. Secondary
    1. Tertiary


  1. Question: Indicate whether the statement is true or false.

1. Prevalence is the number of new cases of a particular disease.

2. The number of cases of a particular disease for the past 5 years is an example of the incidence rate.

3. “There are 1,185,000 cases of HIV/AIDS in the United States” is an example of the morbidity rate.

4. Endemic is the term used when the presence of an event is constant.

5. The “bird” flu of 2005 to 2006 is considered a sporadic outbreak.

6. A pandemic affects many communities in a short period of time


Chapter 5. Evidence-Based Care

Multiple Choice

Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

  1. Question: Which of the following are parts of evidence-based practice?








All of the above

  1. Question: Which is the most important question to ask in nursing research?


What findings constitute evidence?


How will the findings be used?


Is this a randomized controlled trial?


What theory is being utilized?


  1. Question: Nursing research should be utilized by:


Nurses at the bedside


Advanced practice nurses


Nurse researchers


Nurses at all levels of practice


  1. Question: Applying evidence at the point of care requires:


Readily available evidence-based resources


Ability to review research literature


Single articles in journals


Current textbooks


  1. Question: Practice guidelines are designed to:


Be inflexible


Be utilized in every circumstance


Provide a reference point for decision making


Be created by a professional organization to guide the practice of a profession


  1. Question: Which of the following is a crucial element of developing a guideline?


Creating a physician expert panel


Reviewing the literature with ratings of available evidence


Conducting an external review of a guideline


Developing evidence-based tables


  1. Question: Which of the following would be considered the research design for Level I evidence?


Single, well-designed randomized clinical trial


Systematic review of randomized clinical trial studies


Well-designed controlled trials without randomization


Systematic reviews of descriptive or qualitative studies


  1. Question: Which of the following would be considered the research design for Level II evidence?


Single descriptive or qualitative study


Well-designed case control or cohort studies


Single, well-designed, randomized clinical trial


Systematic review of randomized clinical trial studies


  1. Question: Which of the following would be considered the research design for Level III evidence?


Well-designed controlled trials without randomization


Systematic reviews of descriptive or qualitative studies


Systematic review of randomized clinical trial studies


Opinion of authorities and expert committees


  1. Question: Which of the following would be considered the research design for Level IV evidence?


Single descriptive or qualitative study


Opinion of authorities and expert committees


Systematic review of randomized clinical trial studies


Instituition / Term
Term Fall 2018
Institution Chamberlain
Contributor James

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