NR 509 Week 7 Immersion; Physical Assessment Study Guide

  • NR 509 Week 7 Immersion; Physical Assessment Study Guide
  • $25.00

Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Lydia
  1. Greet patient
  2. Inspect face – no discoloration or lesions present
  3. Inspect head – midline, symmetrical
  4. Palpate lymph nodes:
  5. Cranial nerve #5 (TRIGEMINAL) 
  6. Cranial nerve # 7 (FACIAL)
  7. Inspect ears—no nodules or skin lesions present, symmetrical
  8. Cranial nerve # 8 (ACOUSTIC)
  9. Inspect eyes—conjunctiva clear and pink, no drainage or lesions present; sclera white and clear.
  10. Cranial nerve #2 (OPTIC)
  11. Cranial nerves #3 (OCULOMOTOR), #4 (TROCHLEAR), & #6 (ABDUCENS)
  12. Inspect nose—midline, no obstructions, swelling or visible fractures
  13. Palpate frontal and maxillary sinuses—assess for tenderness
  14. Inspect throat and mouth:
  15. Cranial nerve #9 (GLOSSOPHARYNGEAL)
  16. Cranial nerve #10 (VAGUS)
  17. Cranial nerve #12 (HYPOGLOSSAL)
  18. Palpate TMJ (temporomandibular joint)
  19. Inspect neck—symmetrical, no obvious deformities
  20. Palpate carotid arteries (side of trachea) — normal and bounding
  21. Range of motion—NECK
  22. Cranial nerve #11 (SPINAL ACCESSORY)
  23. Heart sounds—5 areas:
  24. Inspect anterior chest—assess for any obvious deformities and symmetry—none found
  25. Auscultate lung sounds— have patient breathe in and out through mouth
  26. Inspect upper extremities
  27. Assess ROM (*Normally assess bilaterally but for immersion only assess unilaterally)
  28. Cerebellar coordination
  29. Deep tendon reflexes (only evaluate unilaterally for immersion)
  30. Abdominal exam
  31. Percuss all 4 quadrants: checking for tympany, dullness, or flatness—normal
  32. Palpate all 4 quadrants (had over hand, circular motion)
  33. Palpate liver:
  34. Palpate spleen:
  35. Test Bloomberg sign:
  36. Inspect lower extremities—no edema or lesions noted
  37. Range of motion—HIP
  38. Range of motion—KNEE
  39. Range of motion—ANKLE
  40. Palpate dorsalis pedis pulses—2+ and equal bilaterally
  41. Spine exam (have patient stand up)
  42. Romberg’s test:
  43.  Gait:



Instituition / Term
Term Summer 2020
Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Lydia

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