NR 509 Week 7 Assignment; Physical Exam

  • NR 509 Week 7 Assignment; Physical Exam
  • $20.00

Institution NR 509 Advanced Physical Assessment
Contributor Alice Tembo

[MUSIC] Hello, my name is doctor ...................... And I will be demonstrating a physical examination for the NR509 advanced physical assessment course. The exam should be completed in 30 minutes or less. Please verbalize each exam step, and identify the cranial nerves by name and number. [BLANK_AUDIO] So I'll start with introducing myself to the patient, which is Sarah.


Sarah, my name is ..........., I will be doing your examination today. And I will begin with inspecting your face, and I see that I don't see any discolorations or any lesions. Next, I will go and note her head, and I note that it is midline and it is symmetrical.


Next, I will proceed into palpating the lymph nodes, and I will begin normally with the preauricular lymph nodes, right in front of the ear, and postauricular, right behind the ear. Then I will palpate her occipital lymph nodes in the back of the head. And then I'm gonna move forward and palpate the tonsillar lymph nodes.


Come under the jawline, the submandibular lymph nodes, and the submental. Now I will go to the anterior cervical lymph nodes, and the posterior cervical lymph nodes. And I will end with the supraclavicular lymph nodes right about the clavicles. I do not feel any enlargement, and they are equal bilaterally.


Next, I will test the trigeminal nerve, which is cranial nerve number five. It has a motor component, and I will palpate over the masseter muscle as she clenches her jaw. And I don't feel any distortions, and she has great strength. Next, I will test the sensory portion of the trigeminal nerve...................... Document Continue



Instituition / Term
Term Year 2022
Institution NR 509 Advanced Physical Assessment
Contributor Alice Tembo

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