NR 509 Week 6 iHuman Self-Reflection Carlotta A Russe

  • NR 509 Week 6 iHuman Self-Reflection Carlotta A Russe
  • $15.00

Institution NR 509 Advanced Physical Assessment
Contributor Bradley

From this case scenario, there were a couple of red flags that popped up while doing the history and physical examination. The patient was having sudden back pain after moving furniture around. At first, I thought she had just pulled a muscle. She then stated the pain was not getting better and she was not taking any medications for it. When asking her what medications, she takes regularly, she had stated she had increased her steroid dosage. When getting her complete history, I realized she might have broken something from weak bones and was now worried if she had possibly broken a bone. This broken bone might have possibly caused a rupture in her abdomen somewhere.............. Continue



Instituition / Term
Term Year 2022
Institution NR 509 Advanced Physical Assessment
Contributor Bradley

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