NR 509 Week 4 iHuman Self-Reflection Harvey Hoya

  • NR 509 Week 4 iHuman Self-Reflection Harvey Hoya
  • $15.00

Institution NR 509 Advanced Physical Assessment
Contributor Bradley

HPI: A 57-year-old Hispanic male presents to the clinic “I had my blood pressure checked at a health fair earlier and it was high, my wife convinced me to come in.” The patient describes a sedentary lifestyle and poor eating choices such as fast-food multiple times per week that have resulted in recent weight gain. The patient describes “dull” headaches that “occur 2-3 times a week, usually beginning in the morning,” in which he takes Ibuprofen “about 4-5 pills per day,” as well as “not being able to sleep well, and feeling tired all day.” His wife is present this visit and states that at night, “he has periods of not breathing, and when she wakes him up, he resumes sleep.” Pt. currently “works 5 days/week in construction.”


It is important to do a thorough health history and physical exam. History taking is an important part in diagnosing the patient. The history tells us about the signs and symptoms of the disease which in turn helps us to make a diagnosis. POLDCART is an acronym to use to ensure you are getting a complete history of the patient’s present illness. POLDCART stands for precipitating factors, onset, location, duration, characteristics, aggravating factors, relieving factors, temporal association, and severity. The following questions were asked during Harvey Hoya’s case................. Continue



Instituition / Term
Term Year 2022
Institution NR 509 Advanced Physical Assessment
Contributor Bradley

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