NR 509 Week 2 Alternative Writing Assignment for Week 1; Health History Taking

  • NR 509 Week 2 Alternative Writing Assignment for Week 1; Health History Taking
  • $20.00

Institution NR 509 Advanced Physical Assessment
Contributor Bradley

Health History


A holistic assessment of the factors that influence a person's life is critical. As such, the collection of organized information unique to a person supplies the healthcare providers with the data that can help in making the right diagnosis, treatment as well as establishing trust and rapport with the patient (Waller & Fox, 2020). Health history taking may also help in identifying the underlying conditions thereby initiating the right treatment. Based on this, this paper examines techniques used to interview patients, subjective and objective data, adapting interview techniques, as well as a disease process that can affect history taking and expected abnormal findings.

An overview of interviewing Techniques


There are various interviewing techniques that a healthcare provider can use to ensure sufficient and relevant data is collected to formulate and prioritize diagnosis. Interviewing is also critical as it generates data that is more important for diagnoses more than the physical assessment. One such technique is the use of open-ended questions. Waller and Fox (2020) denote that the use of open-ended questions does not restrict patients from answering the question and deep insight can be gained from the use of open-ended questions. This is because open-ended questions require the patient requires patient to answer with more rather than a yes or a no. these types of questions compel the patient to provide in-depth responses and insights................Continue


Instituition / Term
Term Year 2022
Institution NR 509 Advanced Physical Assessment
Contributor Bradley

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