NR 509 Week 2 Alternative Writing Assignment for Week 1; Health History Taking (Spring 2022)v1

  • NR 509 Week 2 Alternative Writing Assignment for Week 1; Health History Taking (Spring 2022)v1
  • $20.00

Institution NR 509 Advanced Physical Assessment
Contributor Bradley

Health History


The purpose of this paper is to provide relevant health history questions a practitioner would ask in a clinical setting. The health history in any practice setting is crucial to gaining pertinent information given a patient’s current illness. The health history can be broken down into subparts and the practitioner should begin the interview with broad questions and refine questions and focus on symptoms in subsequent questions. Universally health practitioners will begin asking the patient what is the cause of the presentation. This is defined as a chief complaint, which can be a wide variety of responses such as; cough, fever, chest pain, shortness of breath, fall., etc. The next component of the health history should be the history and physical portion. This section allows the patient to describe in their own words what symptoms they are currently experiencing and any relevant information they feel must be addressed or acknowledged. The information usually described in this section is current complaints, the onset of symptoms, description of symptoms, and associated symptoms. From this point, the health practitioner will begin to ask objective and subjective questions to help provide further context. Information the provider may ask is if the patient is experiencing pain, if so, will ask the patient to describe the severity, quality, timing/duration, as well as activity when symptoms began, and what makes it better or worse...............Continue



Instituition / Term
Term Year 2022
Institution NR 509 Advanced Physical Assessment
Contributor Bradley

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