NR 509 Week 1 Discussion; Economic Stability

  • NR 509 Week 1 Discussion; Economic Stability
  • $20.00

Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Sharoon

Economic stability:


According to Healthy People 2030: the definition of economic stability is “people with steady employment are less likely to live in poverty and more likely to be healthy” (HealthyPeople, 2020) According to our lesson this week and the CDC, “the key issues related to economic stability are poverty, employment, food security, and stable housing” (Centers for Disease Control....... Continue


The social determinant will undoubtedly impact the health outcomes of our clients.

Patients who do not have steady income or employment are more likely to not be healthy. For example, in the video we were provided this week about social determinants, parents who cannot afford to take time off of work to go to the doctors office because it is over a hour away, or a mother who was just laid off of her job and has children at home struggling to find a career...... Continue


The social determinant of health, economic stability, just reminds me of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. The purpose of this pyramid is stating the client cannot reach maximum potential which is self actualization, without having everything in the ladder layers beneath....... Continue

In order to assess the impact of economic stability for the client, the nurse practitioner would ask many questions during the initial interview. Some would consist of asking the patient about their living situation. ...... Continue


In New Jersey, they have a NJ SNAP program which is Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program which is the nutrition assistance program to help low-income individuals and families buy the groceries needed to eat healthy. There are specific requirements such as “ low-income working families and individuals...... Continue


Another tool for economic stability available in New Jersey is United Way of Central Jersey. United Way helps families to become stable and financially independent by supporting basic needs like emergency food distribution while increasing financial education, helping hardworking people obtain job training and family- sustaining wages and increasing affordable housing. ...... Continue


One last resource available to children in low income areas is called Mary’s Meals. This organization funds meals for children in low income areas to engage them to come to school and have a nutritious meal and learn so they can advance themselves. ...... Continue


All in all you can see how large a picture economic stability can alter for a client. From food all the way to their overall health, and all in between, economic stability will hold the client back from reaching self actualization and health. ...... Continue




Instituition / Term
Term Spring Term
Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Sharoon

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