NR 507 Week 8 Group Final Exam

  • NR 507 Week 8 Group Final Exam
  • $25.00

Institution NR 507 Advanced Pathophysiology
Contributor Mireille

Most common cardiac valve disease in women?

  • Mitral valve prolapse is the most common valve disorder in the U.S. with a prevalence estimated at 3%, MVP tends to be most prevalent in young women pg. 1094
  • Common in young women, leaflets of valve prolapse into atrium- may cause mitral regurgitation, back flow of blood-murmur
  • At risk for stroke and endocarditis
  • Left ventricle become hypertrophied- pulmonary hypertension- right sided heart failure
  • Valve repair and surgery may be warranted

Dermatomes: are spinal cord levels that are associated with a specific area

Agnosia: is when an individual is unable to visualize or recognize objects due to injury

When myocardial ischemia may be reversible?

  • If blood flow is restored within 20 min **** Key to perfusion
  • Many individuals with reversible myocardial ischemia exhibit a normal physical examination between episodes.
  • Physical examination of an individual experiencing myocardial ischemia may disclose tachycardia, extra heart sounds (gallops or murmurs) and pulmonary congestion indicating impaired left ventricular function.
  • Unstable angina is the result of reversible myocardial ischemia and is a harbinger of impending infarction
  • Pt with coronary artery disease may experience ischemia during mental emotional or body stress like exercise.
  • Ischemia is low blood supply- cells are alive but starving- do not functions normally

Symptoms of Stable Angina:

  • Atypical chest pain, palpitations, sense of unease, severe fatigue, angina pectoris, radiation to neck, lower jaw, left arm, left shoulder, or occasionally back or down right arm.
  • Gradual luminal narrowing, heart can not meet the demands- chest pain develops- with rest it subsides.
  • Relieved with Nitroglycerin
  • Pain eases with rest- gold standard

Orthostatic Hypotension:

  • BP changes from lying to sitting or standing position
  • Decrease of systolic BP by at least 20mmHg and diastolic by at least 10mmHg within 3 minutes of standing.
  • When it occurs patients feel syncopal, fainting, dizziness, and loss of vision.
  • Treatment: correct underlying disorder, raise HOB, watch salt intake, adjust BP meds, TED hose,
    • Why increase HOB- so the body can adjust to sitting before standing- so the sympathetic system has time to catch up in elderly or hypovolemic patients.
  • Isolated systolic hypertension:

  • High systolic with normal diastolic: Systolic >140 mmHg/ Diastolic <90mmHg
  • Becoming more prevalent in all age groups and is strongly associated with cardiovascular/CVA events.

Results of sustained controlled hypertension:

  • Pg. 555
  • Increased peripheral resistance and increased blood volume causes HTN- sustained over time- remodeling of vessels resulting in changes known as hyaline sclerosis and atherosclerosis.
  • Effects eyes- retinal changes- kidneys- heart- brain

Insulin resistance on the development of primary resistance:......... Continue



Instituition / Term
Term Year 2022
Institution NR 507 Advanced Pathophysiology
Contributor Mireille

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