NR 507 Week 6 Quiz Review

  • NR 507 Week 6 Quiz Review
  • $25.00

Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Peterson
  1. Question: What is a primary defect in osteoarthritis (OA)?
  2. Question: Bone death as a result of osteomyelitis is because of
  3. Question: Which type of osteoporosis would a person develop after having the left leg in a cast for 8 weeks to treat a compound displaced fracture of the tibia and fibula?
  4. Question: Which statement is false about giant cell tumors?
  5. Question: Which disorder is characterized by the formation of abnormal new bone at an accelerated rate beginning with excessive resorption of spongy bone?     
  6. Question: What pattern of bone destruction is described as not well defined and not easily separated from normal bone
  7. Question: In ankylosing spondylitis, the CD8+ T cells are presented with which of the following antigens?
  8. Question: Cerebral palsy is usually a result of
  9. Question: The pain experienced in Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease is referred to as involving
  10. Question: Osteochondrosis is caused by a(n)
  11. Question: Which protein, absent in muscle cells of Duchenne muscular dystrophy, mediates the anchoring of skeletal muscles fibers to the basement membrane?
  12. Question: Which serum laboratory test is elevated in all forms of osteogenesis imperfecta?
  13. Question: Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy is likely inherited from one’s
  14. Question: What diagnosis is given when the infant’s hip maintains contact with the acetabulum, but is not well seated within the hip joint?
  15. Question: The _____ is cartilage that retains the ability to form and calcify new cartilage and deposit bone until the skeleton matures
  16. Question: Which cells of the dermis secrete connective tissue matrix?
  17. Question: What clinical manifestations do allergic, atopic, and stasis dermatitis have in common?
  18. Question: An older adult man states he has a sore above his lip that has not healed and is getting bigger. The nurse observes a red scaly patch with an ulcerated center and sharp margins. The nurse recognizes these features as commonly associated with Bowen disease, a form of
  19. Question: Which malignancy is characterized by slow-growing lesions that usually have depressed centers and rolled borders and are frequently located on the face and neck?
  20. Question: In latex allergies, which immunoglobulin is associated with an immediate reaction?
  21. Question: Which contagious disease creates a primary skin lesion that is a pinpointed macule, papule, or wheal with hemorrhagic puncture site?
  22. Question: Which immunoglobulin is elevated in atopic dermatitis?
  23. Question: Which skin disorder has as its hallmark clinical manifestation skin lesions that rupture, creating a thin, flat, honey-colored crust?
  24. Question: Bullous impetigo is caused by a strain of _____ that produces an exfoliative toxin, resulting in a disruption in cellular adhesion.
  25. Question: Which vascular anomaly is a congenital malformation of dermal capillaries that does not fade with age?
  26. Question: Considering the pathophysiology of osteoporosis, which cytokines and hormones decrease receptor activator of RANKL expression?
  27. Question: IL-4 and transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-ß)
  28. Question: Considering the pathophysiology of osteoporosis, what are the effects of extracellular signal regulated kinases (ERKs) and receptor activator of RANKL on osteoblasts and osteoclasts?
  29. Question: ____ is a chronic inflammatory joint disease characterized by stiffening and fusion of the spine and sacroiliac joints.   
  30. Question: By the time osteoporosis is visible on x-ray, up to ____% of bone has been lost.==30%
  31. Question: What causes the crystallization within the synovial fluid of the joint affected by gouty arthritis?
  32. Question: Molecular analysis has demonstrated that osteosarcoma is associated with
  33. Question: In osteomyelitis, bacteria gain access to the subperiosteal space in the metaphysis, which is considered the “path of least resistance.” What factor makes this route for bacteria the path of least resistance?
  34. Question: Which cell is thought to be the progenitor cell of Kaposi sarcoma?
  35. Question: A latex allergies, which immunoglobulin is associated with an immediate reaction?
  36. Question: Which type of psoriasis is characterized by lesions on the elbows and knees that are well demarcated, thick, silvery, scaly, and erythematous?
  37. Question: Rubeola is a highly contagious acute _____ disease in children.
  38. Question: Which immunoglobulin is elevated in atopic dermatitis
  39. Question: Which contagious disease creates a primary skin lesion that is a pinpointed macule, papule, or wheal with hemorrhagic puncture site?
  40. Question: Clinical manifestations of fibromyalgia include      
  41. Question: Which joint disease is characterized by joint stiffness on movement and joint pain of weight-bearing joints that usually is relieved by rest
  42. Question: In ankylosing spondylitis, the CD8+ T cells are presented with which of the following antigens?
  43. Question: Scleroderma is more common in women and is associated with a(n)
  44. Question: Treatment for frostbite includes
  45. Question: Cutaneous vasculitis develops from the deposit of _____ in small blood vessels as a toxic response allergen
  46. Question: Which immunoglobulin is found in skin biopsy with immunofluorescent observation of people with discoid lupus erythematosus?
  47. Question: What is the cause of chickenpox?---Varicella zoster virus
  48. Question: _ is the temporary displacement of two bones in which the bone surfaces partially lose contact.
  49. Question: Rhabdomyolysis is characterized by
  50. Question: Ewing sarcoma arises from
  51. Question: Women who develop hirsutism may be secreting hormones associated with
  52. Question: Keloids are sharply elevated, irregularly shaped, progressively enlarging scars caused by excessive amounts of _____ in the corneum during connective tissue repair.—Collagen
  53. Question: Dressings applied to pressure ulcers should be.
  54. Question: Which receptors of the autonomic nervous system regulate heat loss through the skin?-
  55. Question: Thrush is a superficial infection that commonly occurs in children and is caused by
  56. Question: Which clinical manifestation is considered the hallmark of atopic dermatitis?
  57. Question: What is a common source of tinea corporis?
  58. Question: What pattern of bone destruction is described as not well defined and not easily separated from normal bone?



Instituition / Term
Term Fall 2018
Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Peterson

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