NR 507 Week 4 Mid-Term Study Guide

  • NR 507 Week 4 Mid-Term Study Guide
  • $35.00

Institution NR 507 Advanced Pathophysiology
Contributor Lydia

NR-507 Mid-Term Study Guide

**50 questions, multiple choice



hematopoiesis erythropoietin

erythrocyte function and lifespan functions of hemoglobin

iron-deficiency anemia- (Microcytic)- small RBC *Iron deficiency common cause thalassemia- (Microcytic)

sickle-cell anemia- (Normocytic) hemolytic anemia- (Normocytic)

pernicious anemia- (Macrocytic)- large RBC *B12 or folate deficiency



anatomy and physiology of the kidney kidney filtration

nephron damage tubular reabsorption

conditions associated with renal failure calculi blockage of ureter

benign prostatic hypertrophy prerenal disease

intrarenal disease postrenal disease glomerulonephritis treatment of renal failure

role of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE)



anticholinergic drugs treatment for asthma asthma

alveolar hyperinflation with asthma

chronic bronchitis and related acid/base disturbances perfusion

blood flow between the heart and lungs bronchioles

polycythemia vera



heart valves S1 heart tone S2 heart tone

cardiac contractility

preload- ventricle stretch during DIASTOLE filling (Franks law)

afterload-(unload) ventricle excertion during SYSTOLE- pumping blood out of SL valves (Laplace law) diastole- End diastolic volume (EDV)- blood in ventricle before systole (120 mL)

systole- End systolic volume (ESV)- blood left in ventricle after systole (50mL) stroke volume- blood volume ejected by ventricle during systole (70mL) *↑HR=↓SV

cardiac output- volume of blood ejected by each ventricle per min, SV X HR (70mLx75bpm=5.25 L/min) heart failure- dysfunction=↓CO=↓perfusion

Congestive heart failure- LHF, *caused by HTN

Cor Pulmonale- RHF, * caused by pulmonary dysfunction

Hypertension- leads to HF……………………………….. Continue




Instituition / Term
Term Year 2022
Institution NR 507 Advanced Pathophysiology
Contributor Lydia

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