NR 507 Week 3 Quiz: Possible Questions/Answers

  • NR 507 Week 3 Quiz: Possible Questions/Answers
  • $45.00

Institution Chamberlain

  1. Question: Increases in which of the following would cause the nurse to assess for decreased blood flow?
  2. Question: A nurse is assessing the heart rate. The nurse obtains a normal heart rate. The average heart rate in a healthy adult is _____ beats per minute.
  3. Question: Important mechanisms for maintaining venous return to the right atrium include
  4. Question: A nurse is evaluating stroke volume. Which of the following factors affect stroke volume?
  5. Question: Which statement indicates the nurse understands blood flow? Oxygenated blood flows though the?
  6. Question: A 20-year-old male underwent an echocardiogram to assess chest pain. Results revealed a congenital defect in papillary muscles. Which of the following would the nurse expect to occur?
  7. Question: A cardiologist is discussing valves with the staff. Which information should the cardiologist include? _____ are the anchors of the atrioventricular valves.
  8. Question: Which statement indicates the nurse understands coronary ostia? The coronary ostia (the openings to the coronary arteries) are found in the:
  9. Question: The nurse is planning care for a patient with heart problems. Which information should the nurse remember? The _____ artery travels down the interventricular septum and delivers blood to portions of the left and right ventricle.
  10. Question: A 65-year-old male is transported to the ER for chest pain. An electrocardiogram reveals a prolonged QRS interval. What is the nurse monitoring when the nurse observes the QRS complex on the electrocardiogram? The QRS complex reflects:
  11. Question: When a staff member asks where venous blood from the coronary circulation drains into, what is the best response by the nurse? The:
  12. Question: While viewing the electrocardiogram, the nurse recalls the _____ conducts action potentials down the atrioventricular septum.
  13. Question: A 13-year-old female took a weight loss drug that activated the sympathetic nervous system. Which of the following assessment findings would the nurse expect?
  14. Question: A 50-year-old female received trauma to the chest that caused severe impairment of the primary pacemaker cells of the heart. Which of the following areas received the greatest damage?
  15. Question: A 54-year-old male is diagnosed with left bundle branch block. Which of the following structures would not receive an electrical impulse?
  16. Question: Which information by the nurse indicates a good understanding of depolarization? Depolarization of a cardiac muscle cell occurs as the result of:
  17. Question: A cardiologist is teaching about the period that follows depolarization of the myocardium and represents a period during which no new cardiac potential can be propagated. What is the cardiologist describing?
  18. Question: The nurse is reviewing a normal electrocardiogram. The nurse assesses the PR interval because it represents:
  19. Question: The _____ represents the sum of all ventricular muscle cell depolarization.
  20. Question: When a student nurse asks the nurse how the cardiac electrical impulse normally begins, what is the most correct response? The cardiac electrical impulse normally begins spontaneously in the sinoatrial (SA) node because it:
  21. Question: A 28-year-old female with seizure disorder has a vagus nerve stimulator implanted to help control seizure activity. Which of the following would the nurse also expect to occur?
  22. Question: To help a nursing student differentiate cardiac muscle from skeletal muscle, which characteristic should the nurse use? One difference between cardiac muscle and skeletal muscle is that:
  23. Question: A nurse is discussing the pressure generated at the end of diastole. Which term is the nurse describing?
  24. Question: Which principle should the nurse remember when planning nursing care for a patient with heart problems? As stated by the Frank-Starling law, there is a direct relationship between the _____ of the blood in the heart at the end of diastole and the ____ of contraction during the next systole.
  25. Question: Within a normal physiologic range, an increase in left ventricular end diastolic volume would lead the nurse to monitor for
  26. Question: While planning care for a heart patient, which principle should the nurse recall? Right ventricular afterload is affected by:
  27. Question: Which principle should the nurse remember while planning care for a cardiac patient? Pressure in the left ventricle must exceed pressure in the _____ before the left ventricle can eject blood
  28. Question: When a nursing student wants to know where the primary cardiovascular control center is located, what is the nurse's best response? In the:
  29. Question: After activation of the Bainbridge reflex in a patient, the nurse assesses for:
  30. Question: A 50-year-old female presents with a low heart rate and low blood pressure. She is given an intravenous (IV) infusion of fluids. The increase in atrial distension results in:
  31. Question: A nurse observes a cardiologist multiplying the heart rate by stroke volume. What is the cardiologist measuring?
  32. Question: A nurse recalls the internal lining of the cardiovascular system is formed by what tissue?
  33. Question: A patient researches baroreceptors online. Which information indicates a good understanding? Baroreceptors are located in the:
  34. Question: A 52-year-old female is admitted to the cardiac unit with a diagnosis of pericarditis. She asks the nurse to explain where the infection is. In providing an accurate description, the nurse states that the pericardium is:
  35. Question: A 65-year-old male develops blockage in the pulmonary artery. As a result of the blockage, blood would first back up into the:
  36. Question: The nurse is measuring cardiac output in a resting patient. the normal baseline for cardiac output in this patient is ____ L/MIN
  37. Question: A nurse is explaining the function of the heart. Which is a correct response by the nurse? A function of the pericardium is to:
  38. Question: A nurse is teaching about the heart. Which information should the nurse include? The chamber of the heart that generates the highest pressure is the:
  39. Question: A nurse recalls the chamber that receives blood from the systemic circulation is the: 
  40. Question: Which client teaching should the nurse implement for the client diagnosed with CAD? Select all that apply.
  41. Question: The client with coronary artery disease asks the nurse, "Why do I get chest pain?" Which statement would be the most appropriate response by the nurse?"
  42. Question: The client diagnosed with essential hypertension asks the nurse, "Why do I have high blood pressure?" Which response by the nurse would be the most appropriate?
  43. Question: The client diagnosed with hypertension asks the nurse, "I don't know why the doctor is worried about my blood pressure. I feel just great." Which statement by the nurse would be the most appropriate response?
  44. Question: The nurse is preparing to administer a beta blocker to the client diagnosed with CAD. Which assessment data would cause the nurse to question administering the medication?
  45. Question: Which intervention should the nurse implement when administering a loop diuretic to a client diagnosed with CAD?
  46. Question:  The elderly client has coronary artery disease. Which question should the nurse ask the client during the client teaching?
  47. Question: The 66-year-old male client has his BP checked at a health fair. His BP is 168/98. Which action should the nurse implement first?
  48. Question: The nurse is teaching the client recently diagnosed with essential hypertension. Which instruction should the nurse provide when discussing exercise? Walk at least
  49. Question: The nurse is administering a beta-blocker to the client diagnosed with essential hypertension. Which intervention should the nurse implement?
  50. Question: The nurse just received the AM shift report. Which client should the nurse assess first?
  51. Question: The nurse is teaching a class on arterial essential hypertension. Which modifiable risk factors would the nurse include when preparing this presentation?
  52. Question: The HCP has provided an ACE inhibitor for the client diagnosed with CHF. Which discharge instructions should the nurse include?
  53. Question: A nurse is describing the process by which blood is ejected into circulation as the chambers of the heart become smaller. The instructor categorizes this action of the heart as what?
  54. Question: The physical therapist notifies the nurse that a patient with coronary artery disease (CAD) experiences a much greater-than-average increase in heart rate during physical therapy. The nurse recognizes that an increase in heart rate in a patient with CAD may result in what?
  55. Question: The nurse is performing an intake assessment on a patient with a new diagnosis of coronary artery disease. What would be the most important determination to make during this intake assessment?
  56. Question: The nurse's assessment of an older adult client reveals the following data: Lying BP 144/82 mm Hg; sitting BP 121/69 mm Hg; standing BP 98/56 mm Hg. The nurse should consequently identify what nursing diagnosis in the patient's plan of care?
  57. Question: The nurse is doing discharge teaching with a patient who has coronary artery disease. The patient asks why he has to take an aspirin every day if he doesn't have any pain. What would be the nurse's best response?
  58. Question: A 75-year-old obese female presents to her primary care provider reporting edema in the lower extremities. Physical exam reveals that she has varicose veins. Upon performing the history, which of the following is a possible cause for the varicose veins?
  59. Question: A 52-year-old male presents with pooling of blood in the veins of the lower extremities and edema. The diagnosis is chronic venous insufficiency, and an expected assessment finding of this disorder is:
  60. Question: Superior vena cava syndrome (SVCS), causing venous distention in the upper extremities, is a result of progressive superior vena cava:
  61. Question: A nurse takes an adult patient’s blood pressure and determines it to be normal. What reading did the nurse obtain?
  62. Question: A 50-year-old male with a 30-year history of smoking was diagnosed with bronchogenic cancer. He developed edema and venous distention in the upper extremities and face.


Instituition / Term
Term April/March 2018
Institution Chamberlain

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