NR 504 Week 2 Collaboration Cafe

  • NR 504 Week 2 Collaboration Cafe
  • $10.00

Institution NR 504 Leadership and Nursing Practice: Role Development
Contributor Kim Marvin

1. Provide a concise introduction for your posting.

2. Reflect upon a leader who impacted your practice.

a. How was this person an effective leader?

b. What leadership knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSAs) did the person possess?

c. How did this person impact others?

3. Share a self-assessment of your leadership KSAs; explain how they reflect the constructs

within the Chamberlain College of Nursing Conceptual Framework.

4. Discuss the significance of leadership competencies and personal leadership acumen to

your future MSN role and specialty track.

5. Conclude with a succinct synopsis of key points and concise self-reflection of how this

topic contributes to your growth as a future leader in the chosen specialty track



Instituition / Term
Term Spring 2021
Institution NR 504 Leadership and Nursing Practice: Role Development
Contributor Kim Marvin

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