NR 503 Week 8 Final Quiz: 100 Percent Correct

  • NR 503 Week 8 Final Quiz: 100 Percent Correct
  • $29.00

Institution NR 503 Population Health, Epidemiology & Statistical Principles
Contributor Gonzale
  1. Question: Which of the following is not a valid source of law?
  2. Question: A sidewalk preacher stands out on a street coroner in a residential neighborhood at 10:30 pm on a Tuesday night and exercises his rights to freedom of expression by yelling at the top of his lungs that God is going to end the world the following morning. Police arrest the preacher, accusing him of violating a city ordinance against disturbing the peace. The ordinance, among other things, makes it a crime to make continual loud noises on public property in a residential neighborhood between the hours of 8pm and 7am.
  3. Question: A state law requires protesters to obtain a permit if they want to hold a rally that involves politics. A court would use which type of scrutiny in assessing the constitutionality of this law?
  4. Question: An anti-government vigilante group holds a rally. The group leader riles up his members and yells, "The time is now for us to take matters into our own hands!" One week later, a member of the vigilante group shoots the town mayor. If a judge applied the Incitement Test to the scenario, the vigilante group leader's speech would be protected by the First Amendment.
  5. Question: Applying the elements required for a libel claim to be successful, which of the following scenarios is most likely to succeed in a claim for libel?
  6. Question: In which of the following scenarios would the journalist most easily be protected from a libel claim?
  7. Question: A reporter would likely be liable for intrusion after using a remote-controlled helicopter fitted with a camera to video tape a local politician skinny-dipping in her back yard swimming pool. The pool is not visible in plain sight from the ground, due to a 10-foot tall wall that surrounds it. But if someone were to stand on the roof of a nearby building, the pool would be plainly visible to that person. However, the roof has no public deck and is not open to occupants of the building or the public.
  8. Question: Which of the following is NOT an essential element in a claim for negligent infliction of emotional distress?
  9. Question: Under which of the following scenarios would a reporter find himself in legal trouble for covertly recording a conversation?
  10. Question: Which of the following records requests would likely be exempt from FOIA, and therefore, be denied?
  11. Question: A state shield law would likely protect you from being compelled to divulge the identity of a confidential source if the information the source gave you was regarding an FBI investigation.
  12. Question: Which of the following reasons is NOT a valid justification for a judge to close a court proceeding from media coverage?
  13. Question: The Supreme Court has ruled that the Internet has complete First Amendment protection, therefore obscene material on the Internet is protected by the First Amendment.
  14. Question: A company may sue for copyright infringement on behalf of the copyright owner.
  15. Question: A qualified reporter's privilege may protect a reporter from revealing confidential information in which of the following circumstances?
  16. Question: The Epidemiological Triangle is a method used to explain causation.  Where does genetics belong within the Triangle?
  17. Question: Which of the following interventions are included in the Action Model to Achieve Healthy People2020?  Select all that apply.
  18. Question: When integrating the field of genomics into health care, the provider would:
  19. Question: The World Health Organization began in 1948.  What day now celebrates this date?
  20. Question: Which of the following would be appropriate to integrate in order to provide culturally competent care?



Instituition / Term
Term Summer
Institution NR 503 Population Health, Epidemiology & Statistical Principles
Contributor Gonzale

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