NR 503 Week 8 Final Exam Study Guide

  • NR 503 Week 8 Final Exam Study Guide
  • $30.00

Institution Chamberlain

Week 5:


In Week 5 you completed your Infectious Disease paper.  Are you able to define and apply the epidemiological triad and the HP2020 social determinants of health?  How might you use those in your Week 6 paper?  …………… ?

Weekly Objectives:

At the end of this week, can you answer/discuss the following: (Self-quiz)

  1. How does culture influence the decisions a provider may make when selecting an intervention?
  2. Explain how culture impacts provider attitudes?  Does it?  How will you assess your own attitudes about various cultures/races/groups?
  3. Review the terms for this week and apply them to population health; for instance: cultural competence, cultural awareness, norms, values, Kleinman Explanatory Model, socioeconomic status, disparities, minorities, food dessert.
  4. What are the social determinants of health? How does a provider integrate knowledge of these social determinants of health into their practice?  Why are they important?
  5. Apply social justice theory to the provision of care; what does social justice mean when applied to health care?
  6. What data sources are used to assess determinants of health?
  • Discriminate populations at risk for development of chronic health
    conditions while associating the role of the Advanced Practice Nurse in
    levels of promotion.
  • Compare and contrast variables that differentiate those categorized at
    being at risk for marginalization of health care.


Week 6


In Week 6 you submitted your Evaluation of an Epidemiological Problem or Condition Paper.  In this paper you analyzed a health problem using a population health focus while integrating epidemiological data and information.  For instance, who are the at-risk sub-populations impacted by the chosen problem, the aggregate populations……………….

Weekly Objectives:

At the end of this week, can you answer/discuss the following: (Self-quiz)

  1. Integrate risk / screening as it applies to genetics?  How, what methods are used to screen for health conditions that may have genetic connections?  What guidelines support evidence-based decision making in the area of genetics?
  2. What is genetic risk assessment?  How is it determined?
  3. Explore and integrate genetic terminology, for example: Genomics, pharmacogenomics, genetic epidemiology.  Also, refer to HP2020.
  4. What are the components of a genetic risk assessment?
  5. Can you discuss the interplay (connection) between genetics and the environment, how do they influence one another?  Do they?
  6. What is the Genetics Nondiscrimination Act?


Week 7


In Week 7 the topics of Global and Environment were introduced………………. What is a pandemic and what does the severity index tell us about deaths?  How does the WHO organize the 6 phases of a pandemic?

Weekly Objectives:


At the end of this week, can you answer/discuss the following: (Self-quiz)

  1. Can you discuss the types of outbreaks at a population health level?
  2. How is the epidemiological triangle related to pandemics, outbreaks?
  3. If you were to explain “disaster epidemiology” to a colleague or nursing student, what would you say?
  4. What is the WHO?  What do the SDG’s (formerly MDG’S) mean?
  5. Connect social justice theory to the implications of outbreaks.
  6. What is the history of the World Health Organization?
  7. Be sure to review the articles: Angelini (2017) and Kurth (2017): What are said to be some of the noticed health effects of climate change? Can you speak to the “Call to Action” elements/content?
  8. How do you assess an area’s resources and its relationship to the health of a region?


  • What is a pandemic and what does the severity index tell us about deaths?  
  • A Pandemic is a global epidemic that spreads to more than one continent.
  • How does the WHO organize the 6 phases of a pandemic?  The World Health Organization defines a pandemic as a global epidemic that spreads to more than one continent. There are six phases with 1 to 3 relating directly to preparedness and phases 4 to 6 dealing with response and mitigation efforts.


Week 8


Weekly Objectives:


At the end of this week, can you answer/discuss the following: (Self-Quiz)

  1. How do ethics and public policy intersect?
  2. What influence do you as a provider have regarding public policy?  What ethical obligation do you believe you have?
  3. How is risk reduction, assessment, and outcomes related to public health policy?
  4. Where is the intersection of:  epidemiology, population health, public policy and social justice and vulnerable populations?
  5. Are you able to define the key ethical terms and apply them to population health? For instance, ethics, fairness and social justice.



Instituition / Term
Term Session 2019
Institution Chamberlain

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