NR 503 Week 4 Midterm Study Guide (Epidemiology)

  • NR 503 Week 4 Midterm Study Guide (Epidemiology)
  • $24.00

Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Sherrie

NR 503

Mid-Term Study Guide


  1. Understand and compare the different measures of morbidity
    1. Incidence and prevalence
      1. Define
      2. Understand why data are important for measuring risk
      3. Interpret findings
      4. Understand the relationship between incidence and prevalence and impact of each on duration of disease
      5. Calculate incidence rate
      6. Calculate prevalence rate
      7. Relationship between prevalence, incidence, and mortality
      8. Examples of incidence rates and prevalence rates
  2. Surveillance
    1. Importance of surveillance
    2. Define and discuss passive verses active surveillance, including examples and advantages and disadvantages of each
  3. Understand, compare, and interpret the different measures of mortality, including calculating and interpreting data in tables
  4. Define, interpret, and compare measures of validit
  5. Understand how realiability can be improved for screening tests
  6. Disease transmission and outbreaks
    1. Define attack rate:
    2. Calculate attack rate based on information in a table
    3. Understand modes of disease transmission and common terms used in outbreaks
    4. Define epidemic curve and understand distribution in a single-exposure, common-vehicle outbreak
    5. Review the cross-tabulation Tables (2-5 and 2-6) and understand how cross-tabulation can be used to identify a source, including how to calculate and compare attack rates in a food-borne outbreak
    6. Key terms:
      1. Immunity:
      2. Epidemic:
      3. Endemic:
      4. Herd immunity:
      5. Common-vehicle exposure
      6. Single exposure
      7. Incubation period:
      8. Epidemic curve
      9. Clinical disease:
      10. Latent disease:
      11. Subclinical disease:


Instituition / Term
Term Fall 2018
Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Sherrie

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