NR 503 Week 2 Discussion Board; Epidemiology Methods - Screening for Cervical Cancer

  • NR 503 Week 2 Discussion Board; Epidemiology Methods - Screening for Cervical Cancer
  • $15.00

Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Michael Harrison

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Cervical cancer is the third most common cancer among women,


therefore screening for cervical cancer is critical to decreasing the


incidence and mortality rates of cervical cancer (Bedell et al., 2020). The


Papanicolaou (pap) smear is considered the gold standard for cervical


cancer screenings (Bedell et al., 2020). In addition to a pap smear a


Human Papillomavirus(HPV) test can also be performed to detect the


presence of HPV, which is known to be one of the most common causes


of cervical cancer (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


[CDC],2021). Both a pap smear and HPV test are simple procedures that


can be performed in a primary care clinic using a speculum to help the


provider examine the appearance of the cervix and to collect cells from


the cervix for the lab. The collected specimen is sent to a lab where the


cells are assessed for a normal or abnormal appearance; or if a HPV test


is performed the lab will test the cells for HPV (CDC, 2021). A pap


smear and HPV testing are considered screening procedures. If any


abnormal results are encountered a colposcopy, or a cervical biopsy, will


be conducted to further analyze the findings of the screening tests (CDC,


2021). The United States Preventative Services Task Force (USPSTF)


recommends that women begin screenings for cervical cancer at the age


of twenty-one and continue through the age of sixty-five as long as


adequate prior screening has occurred. This recommendation stems from


an increased risk of developing cervical cancer due to potential exposure


to high-risk HPV types among this age group. However, the type of


screening and the intervals at which reoccurrence of screening changes


as women age (USPSTF, 2018). Current recommendations by the


USPSTF state that women aged twenty-one to twenty-nine receive


cytology screening alone, which is achieved through a pap smear and


assessing cells for normal appearance every three years (2018). Cytology


testing every three years alone can continue for those aged thirty to


sixty-five however, it is recommended that either high-risk HPV testing


or co-testing, which includes both cytology and HPV testing, occur every


five years...... Continue




Instituition / Term
Term Uploaded 2023
Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Michael Harrison

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