NR 449 Week 7 RUA # 3; Group EBP PowerPoint Presentation - Nurse Burnout

  • NR 449 Week 7 RUA # 3; Group EBP PowerPoint Presentation - Nurse Burnout
  • $15.00

Institution Chamberlain
Contributor D. Graves


  • The Group Presentation is the final of the three required assignments in this course. It builds upon and utilizes information gathered and reported in the first two assignments.
  • The purpose of this assignment is two-fold: (a) to provide a recommendation to a clinical problem using the EBP process; and (b) to demonstrate presentation skills for a group of peers.



  • Each group will have 10-15 minutes to present on their topic.
  • Each student will have an opportunity to speak and contribute to the group presentation (10-12 PowerPoint slides including Introductory slide and References)
  • If a student misses Final presentation, that student will FORFEIT the ENTIRE points for this assignment
    • NO partial point given
    • NO make-up or alternative assignment
  • The presentation will be graded on the following elements per the rubric:  (see next page)
  • Presentation
  • Power Point Format/Appearance
  • Power Point Slide Content
  • Submit Group EBP Presentation PPs at 11:59 PM, October 16, Wednesday in CANVAS


Presentation Guidelines

  • Each group will have a 10-15 minute presentation to your peers.
  • Introduce your group members
  • Briefly explain your research topic, overview/significance of problems of topic, and its clinical importance
  • Summarize each study concisely.
  • Synthesize the findings of your group literature: Was your question answered by the reviewed articles?
  • Discuss the conclusions you drew from your literature review and implications for nursing practice and future research.
  • Invite your audience to ask questions and be prepared to answer them.
  • Maintain a poised, confident, professional demeanor throughout the presentation.




Instituition / Term
Term Summer 2020
Institution Chamberlain
Contributor D. Graves

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