NR 442 Week 8 Final Exam Review

  • NR 442 Week 8 Final Exam Review
  • $30.00

Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Kimberly

Office of Emergency Management (OEM)

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA

American Red Cross (ARC)

U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

  • Smallpox(variola virus) as a bioterrorism threat-
  • Botulism as a bioterrorism agent-
  • Anthrax signs and symptoms and treatment:
  • Triage of mass casualty patients-
  • Pneumonic plague and isolation-
  • How to tag patients according to the tag colors-
  • Education on biological weapons of mass destruction-

Environmental pollutants and what disease processes they affect-

  • Modifiable risk factors for different disease processes
  • Reportable diseases to the CDC

Characteristics of analytic assessments:

  • Primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention
  • Ten Greatest Public Health Achievements:
  • Public health nursing practice standard: obligation for the greater good for all people
  • Identifying environmental evidence-based practice for a community:

Scope of practice of community health nurse in community health fairs

Asthma education from a community health nurse perspective

  • Lillian Wald’s teaching in a community health fair setting:
  • Using the Theory of Reasoned Action to educate patients:
  • Pender’s Health Promotion Model:

Healthy People 2020 and diabetic education

  • What is the purpose of Healthy People 2020:
  • Under what Sojourner Truth was known for:
  • OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970):
  • Medicare:
  • Prospective payment system (PPS):

Assessment of homes or buildings prior to 1960’s

  • Major accomplishments of the Romans during the classical times for improving health in the community:
  • Innovations implemented during the 19th century in Germany regarding community health nursing:
  • Epidemiology triangle:

Methodological design of studies

  • Prevalence rate and other types of rates:

What type of community is MADD an example of Mothers Against Drunk Driving:

Using summative evaluation data to educate the community

  • What is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (purpose, goals, etc.)
  • National Health Planning and Resources Development Act of 1974:

What factor has the greatest impact of the community :

  • House on Henry Street:
  • Florence Nightingale’s work:
  • Define community health nursing:
  • Cultural competency:
  • Faith Community Nursing and their roles:
  • CIRCLE Model of Spiritual Care:
  • Primary prevention for child abuse:



Instituition / Term
Term Session 2019
Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Kimberly

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