NR 442 Week 7 RUA Project; Care of Population - Salt River Reservation

  • NR 442 Week 7 RUA Project; Care of Population - Salt River Reservation
  • $20.00

Institution Chamberlain

Our group explored the territory of the Salt River Reservation and


researched the Pima- Maricopa Indian Community. The community


presents as dry desert terrain. The homes are scattered and spaced


approximately an acre or more away from each other. There is a variety


of homes from damaged manufactured mobile homes to new custom


designed homes. Many yards are unkept and show signs of hoarding.


Some homes have broken windows, but are still lived in. Vehicles are


mostly newer, with the exception of a few older vehicles. There is no gas


station or grocery store in the immediate area. The community and health


buildings are all centralized in one area, while the schools are a couple


of streets north. Each of the buildings are properly maintained and


landscaped. There is a beautiful play area near the community buildings,


and the schools have newer play areas. Among the centralized


community buildings are the dialysis center, the fire department, the


police department, the prison, the Tribal Government Complex, the


Wellness Center, and Memorial Hall. There is also a Catholic church on


the reservation, where Native Ameircans still practice the Catholic faith.


The Huhugam Ki museum is among the buildings, representing the


respected culture of this tribe. The police substation and the youth Way


of Life Facility for community events and recreational services are


located just a mile or two Northeast of the main community


buildings........ Continue


Instituition / Term
Term Uploaded 2023
Institution Chamberlain

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