NR 442 Ticket to Class # 3

  • NR 442 Ticket to Class # 3
  • $15.00

Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Kimberly

Chapter 14, 19, 21,22,23


  • Question: Give me an example of environmental racism In Illinois?
  • Question: Do most communities in North Eastern Illinois have a lead risk? Yes or No?
  • Question: What is sick building syndrome and what are its symptoms?
  • Question: Is Radon a problem in Illinois if so why?
  • Question: How many government agencies are involved in management of water in Addison, IL?
  • Question: How do you determine the age of your client in clinical, do you read the chart only?  Are there other ways to determine age?
  • Question: Review Health People 2020’s summary of objectives for older adults.  Choose a goal and how you, as a nurse, can contribute to reaching that goal.
  • Question: Analyze three factors that can contribute to homelessness in the United States
  • Question: Why are so many Veterans homeless? What factors may contribute to this situation?
  • Question: What is the difference between an urban and rural community?  Are resources the same? Why not?
  • Question: Migrant agricultural workers what are their greatest health concerns? Do they have access to health care in their home country? If not are there health risks?  



Instituition / Term
Term Session 2019
Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Kimberly

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