NR 442 Ticket to Class # 2

  • NR 442 Ticket to Class # 2
  • $15.00

Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Kimberly

Chapter 5

  • Considering the epidemiological triangle, give an example of each of the agents of disease:
  • What is surveillance how can it help community health patients?
  • What is the epidemiological triangle and when would a nurse use this?
  • What is screening?
  • Find a Surveillance Report on the CDC website, bring it to class or be ready to pull it up on the computer in class.  

Chapter 25


  • Give an Example of each step in the Chain of Transmission
  • Explain Direct vs. indirect transmission of infectious disease?
  • What is a vector and what is a fomites?
  • Immunization vs. vaccination what is the difference?

Chapters 10, 11,12

  • What is the importance of professional nursing regulations (Nurse Practice act State of Illinois)
  • Payment of health care services:  Differentiate Medicare A/B
  • Medicaid
  • PPO
  • HMO
  • Private health care focus is on?
  • Public health care focus is on?
  • Who is IOM and what is its role in healthcare (pg. 187-196) Nies)
  • Health Insurance Medicaid covers what services?
  •  Why are more physicians providing services for Medicaid clients?
  • What is the most common insurance carried by elderly Americans?
  • What is the difference between Medicaid and Medicare?
  • What is the purpose of supplemental insurance for clients with Medicare?
  • How did PPO get formed and by whom?
  • What is a gate keeper for HMO’s? Why do we needs one?
  • Health insurance Medicare D covers what services and what is not covered?
  • Health Insurance Medicare B covers Durable Medical Equipment?



Instituition / Term
Term Session 2019
Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Kimberly

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