NR 361 Week 2 Course Project Milestone 1 - A New Approach to Lowering A1C

  • NR 361 Week 2 Course Project Milestone 1 - A New Approach to Lowering A1C
  • $20.00

Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Shaleya

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A New Approach to Lowering A1C


Diabetes is a chronic illness that, if left unmanaged, can affect every organ in your body. Controlling diabetes requires lifestyle modifications, including diet, exercise, and maintaining normal hemoglobin A1C levels. One of Healthy People 2030 goals is to reduce the number of adults with an A1C below 9. This paper seeks to research and provide feedback on a mHealth app that can track blood sugar readings, diet, and bolus insulin calculations and offer coaching and education. I connected with the mySugr app, which was highly rated in the Apple store and provided many additional services.


Patient Scenario


My patient is a 40-year-old white female with a past medical history of diabetes type 2, hypertension, high cholesterol, obesity, arthritis, and chronic kidney disease stage 1. She has been an diabetic for 5 years but continues struggling with glucose monitoring, medication compliance, and diet modifications. She was started on long-acting insulin about one year ago in addition to oral medications. At the last appointment, her

A1C was 9.2 and her weight is 217pounds.


She comes into the clinic for a three-month follow-up. She had her A1C drawn before her appointment today. Before the appointment, I check with the pharmacy and see that the medications are being filled as they should. I begin the assessment by noting that her weight increased by 4 pounds and vital signs are stable. I reviewed her lab work and saw that her A1C is now 9.4. I assess her recent diet choices, and she admits to the same intake of carbs and nighttime sweets……..Continue



Instituition / Term
Term Uploaded 2023
Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Shaleya

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